Disclosure continues to unfold and it has consequences for those who engage in violence

I was asked by some to write about my thoughts on disclosure.  Let me first say that the news of all the corruption, pedophilia, sexual molestation, assaults, etc are part of the disclosure that I speak about.  The apocalypse is not some catistrophic chaotic event like what is mostly portrayed in movies and media.  Apocalypse literally means 

"an uncovering" is a disclosure of knowledge or revelation - Wikipedia

Our history for thousands of years has been hidden from most.  In years past, it was easy to keep secrets as our modes of communication were clumsy, rustic and even non-existent.  But that all changed with the creation of the internet, a black swan where communication can now travel the world with a single key stroke.  But something unusual is happening of late where secrets are now coming to the light, despite desperate attempts of the elite to keep them in darkness and hidden away.  Their control depends on their actions and behaviours remaining secret.

I've spoken on much of the issues coming to light, but I do want to speak of one in particular.  The Canadian Governments continued actions towards genocide, especially when it comes to the residential schools and child protective services.  The CBC recently wrote two articles which you can read here and here, about the St. Anne's residential school, particularly about the use of an electric chair within the school and the governments struggles to avoid paying settlements from the abuse that happened.  

The problem with abusers is that they will do anything to not be held responsible for their abusive behaviour.  They also refuse to change that behaviour.  The problem that the Government of Canada has, or any other government for that matter, is that they still function under the guise that the Queen can do no wrong and they continue to claim a monopoly on coercion and force.  What frustrates me is how people continue to support bullies and abusive behaviours.

The reality is that the Queen and her government are OFTEN wrong but continue to engage in coercion and violence to make it right, hide it or not be held accountable for their actions.  The disclosures that are flowing out into the open are bringing their violence into the light and it is getting more and more difficult for them to hide.  What they do is WRONG, but they refuse to make it right and to end the genocide and violence.

But this also brings an even bigger problem for them.  The apocalypse is destroying their reputation and credibility.  Their 'legitimacy to govern' is being threatened by the disclosure, especially as more of this information hits main stream media or millions of people abandon the TV to search for other news sources.  If you want to learn more about legitimacy to govern, Wikipedia has a good article to introduce the concept.

When the government looses their legitimacy to govern it will then create a power vacuum that can have significant consequences.  My concern is that governments will fail before alternative, healthy, grounded, spiritual governance structures are in place.  If that happens, then violence can be a real consequence.  However, that can be avoided if we all contemplate the implications of a fall of government as a result of the apocalypse and work towards self-governance, self-sufficiency, peace and freedom as a real and viable alternative to the current governance structures.  

I must admit that I find myself having to deal with my feelings as I witness people still refusing to take responsibility for their actions or hide their violent behaviours.  Their decisions will come to bite them in the ass at some point.  Until then, it is our duty and responsibility to prepare for the eventual self-destruction of the governance infrastructure that has hidden their evil actions for far too long.  We don't need to engage in violence against them to bring them down.  They will do that themselves.  All we have to do is remove our participation from the system and watch their legitimacy crumble under the weight of their appalling and abhorrent behaviour.  

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