Decolonizing the Mind: Authority

Healing from the indoctrination of authority is one of the most challenging, life long journeys any of us will ever embark on.  Authority is so pervasive in our modern culture that it attempts to control all aspects of life on this planet.  It starts with the infants as the parents exercise their power & authority to raise and look after their off spring due to their dependency on the parents for all our needs.  However, if we don't do it the way the state wants, we risk having our babies taken away from us or get thrown in jail.  The state then gets involved more intimately when our babes are a bit older by demanding that we indoctrinate them further in the state sanctioned school system.  

By the time any of us are old enough to look after ourselves, we have been indoctrinated to be obedient to authority and tow the line as a productive cog in their hamster wheel.  

The problem with authority is that it has no power.  As a result, it absolutely depends on violence, coercion or force to ensure obedience.  Let's be very clear on this point.  Authority has ZERO power.  How can that be?  Well, let's take a look at what those two words mean before we get into explaining this concept. 

Power:     the ability to do something or act in a particular way -
Authority:   the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience -

The State is a fictional construct.  It is not a living, breathing entity, but merely a corporate structure that exists on paper only.  It has no ability to do anything or to act in any way.  It has no spirit, soul or vessel upon which to act.  Only people have power.  Only people have the ability to do something, act or do work.  We have been hoodwinked into expressing that power for the benefit of the state, thinking that it can protect us, provide for us and make decisions for us.  However, it cannot do that.  This is where the trap rests as the puppet masters behind the curtain elevate specific people to positions where they can use their power to make decisions for others under the guise of authority.  But each individuals power is the same, so how can these people maintain their authority over other people?

Through the use of force, coercion, violence, indoctrination and feudal slavery.  

As parents, we have the authority to make decisions for our off spring because they lack the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual maturity to make decisions for themselves.  It is our duty to raise them to the point where they can make those decisions in a healthy, balanced manner.  At that point our authority over our off spring ends.  At that point we lose our authority and only have our own individual power to exercise choices and actions in our own lives.  

The authority trap for adults comes when other people convince us, whether right or wrong, to surrender our sovereignty to them and to focus our power (actions) for the betterment and enjoyment of them.  In exchange we receive benefits or privileges in their new empire, but our sole focus is to serve the empire.  

The power we have is then controlled by our agreement to follow their orders, their authority, their decisions.  If we don't follow them, then those who hold elevated positions within the authority will engage in their own individual power to invoke violence, coercion or force to ensure obedience to their fictional authority.  Only children who lack the emotional, mental, physical or spiritual health needs somebody to make decisions for them.  But is that not what we are?

I'll be blunt here.  We have surrendered to people who use violence, coercion and force to maintain their authority over people.  But their power has significant individual limits and their empires is only supported by people giving the fruits of their power to these thugs in exchange for benefits and privileges.  If we are capable of making decisions for ourselves, then why do we need authority in our lives?

Ahhhhh, that is the million dollar question!  If we took full responsibility for our lives, no external authority is required.  If we spent time to completely connect with our body, would we need doctors giving us orders?  Doctors issues orders all the time.  Where did they get the authority to do that?   The state licenses them to give orders.  Same goes with judges, bureaucrats, teachers, social workers, police officers or any other government licensed individual.  But each and every single one of those people do that work only because they were granted a license from some authority to do it.  What happens when there is no more authority?  What happens to the licenses, benefits or privileges that we all so desperately depend on?

When authority is gone, we are left with our own power and I really do think that scares the shit out of people.  To decolonize our minds and learn how to exercise our own power is one of the greatest achievements we can accomplish during our time here.  I find it particularly important that we do this work despite the authority as there is one authority that is real, has significant influence over our lives, makes decisions on a regular basis and demands our obedience;  The Authority of Creator and Mother Earth!

Natural Laws govern life on this planet and when we decolonize our mind and embrace those natural laws, life gets simpler, easier and much less work!  The fictional authority is growing exponentially and as a result, people have to work 40, 60 or even 80 hours a week.  The vast majority of our energy is being sucked up by the fictional constructs that we agreed to work for.  However, when we surrender all of that and focus our power for our own lives, I find the amount of work is significantly less.  Why?  Because the amount of work that I have to do to meet our needs is about 10-15 hours a week.  All the rest of that time I enjoy leisure activities and work hard to help others heal and become self-governing.  

Imagine a world where 75-95% of our time is no longer being sucked up by greedy bastards and instead are dedicated to helping others, enjoying life and healing!  That requires that we let go of authority and learn how to govern our own power!  Period.  It is a simple idea, but the implementation is very challenging as it requires that we reverse a life time of indoctrination.  I'm 15 years into that process and I still struggle with authority.  However, that is changing.

My recent experience with cancer has taught me a very important lesson.  I know my body best.  I am the authority, no body else.  It is completely my responsibility to look after the needs, health and well being of my body.  By exercising my own power in the way I see fit, I am no longer complicit in the crimes of the authority.  Instead I stand up and rebuke those who surrender to authority or engage in violence to maintain that authority.  

The real power is in our ability to act, think and do.  Authority is impotent, severely limited, weak and in most cases, a complete fraud.  The greatest change we will ever witness on this planet is when people find ways to heal so that they can exercise their own power without the undue influence of authority.  That may take a few life times, but it is coming.  

Snowing in the bush - Creator exercising is power and authority!

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