Danger! Danger! Even the bible has been manipulated by the feudal masters to gain control and power!

It may seem really odd to hear from me, but I don't trust the bible, especially the forked tongued lairs who call themselves kings!  I want to show you just a few passages to demonstrate just how much the bible has been manipulated to control the people.  As with anything, we cannot believe a word anybody says, so as always DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH.  I ask that people don't even trust me.  I might have it wrong too.  The individual is the one that is 100% responsible and accountable for their own life.  

Romans 13:1 is by far the most famous passage that people use to prove that we are supposed to submit ourselves to the authority of the government.  Here is what the passage says from one of the newer translations of the bible (The New International Version is very similar to this one):

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except by God's appointment, and the authorities that exist have been instituted by God. - New English Translation (2005)

If I was to take this version word for word, it would appear that we are indeed supposed to submit to the government.  One could argue that I'm not a person (body with no mind or soul), but putting that aside, let's dig a bit deeper and look at a translation that is a bit older.

 Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no  authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed  by God. - New King James Version (1982)

What I see here is that the wording has changed from soul to person.  But I'm not satisfied, I want to dig deeper.

 Let every soul be subject unto the higher powers. For there is no power but of God: the powers that be are ordained of God. - King James Version (1611)

Now this is where things get VERY interesting.  What this version is saying is that there is no power but God's.  This is not saying anything about government at all.  I also notice that it only applies to souls, not persons!  But I'm still not satisfied.  I want to dig deeper.  To do that I need a tool called 'Strong's Concordance'.  It is a book that allows me to look at even older versions.  The Old Testament was translated from Hebrew, the New Testament from Greek.  Yes, there are other translations in other languages, but I have no experience going that far back.  For me, Strong's Concordance is sufficient and allows me to look up these words in those texts.  

The word soul is translated from the Greek word: ψύχω /  psychē which means:

breath, life, a living soul, the soul as an essence which differs from the body and is not dissolved by death (distinguished from other parts of the body). (source link here)

From my book and previous posts, I proved that 'person' is defined as the body MINUS the mind and spirit.  The newer bibles use the word person, but this definition makes it VERY clear that it is talking about the non-corporal aspect of our being, the living soul, the spirit and true essence of who we are.  Making a switch like that is fraud and stern warnings were placed in the bible warning people what would happen if shit like this was done.  

Now that the spiritual jurisdiction, scope and context has been established, we can look at the next two important words 'higher power'.  The word higher comes from the Greek word  ὑπέρ /  hyperechō  which means:

 to have or hold over one, to stand out, rise above, overtop (source link here)

The word 'power' comes from the Greek word ἔξεστι /  exousia which means:

Power of choice, liberty of doing as one pleases.  Leave or permission.  The ability or strength with which one is endued.  The power of authority (influence) and of right (privilege).  The power of rule or government. (source link here)

Context is so very important when we are looking up definitions of words.  We have to be forever vigilant to make sure we don't misinterpret what the author is trying to say.  We already put the context well into the Spiritual Realm by defining the word 'soul'.  So now we are confronted with 'higher power' meaning to have or hold over, to stand out, rise above the power of choice & liberty.  I absolutely refuse to consider the power of rule or government in this context.  If the word person was used, then it would make perfect sense, but it was not used.  Even if I did use this definition, we are supposed to stand out and rise above it which further invalidates the modern interpretations in modern bibles!

By digging deep I've just determined that a passage that has been used to convince people to surrender to the authority of the state is actually talking about people exercising the power of choice and liberty.  This type of shit happens all throughout the bible.  Why?  Because kings needed it to justify their power and authority over people.  The lied!  

Another example is the word 'witch'.  Since the King James Version was written in 1611, what was going on back then?  Burning witches at the stake during the witch trials.  But they needed a justification for such actions.  So they used the bible to do that.  In Galatians 5, the bible talks about the works of the flesh and how witchcraft is one of them.  So let's look up that word and see what it says.  Witchcraft comes from the Greek word   φαρμακεύς /  pharmakeia which means:

 the use or the administering of drugs, poisoning (source link here)

Is it any coincidence that the pharmaceutical industry got a free pass because the bible switch the word pharmakeia (Greek root word for pharmaceutical) and changed it to witchcraft?  Is it any surprise that the pharmaceutical industry are the ones that are actually involved in the works of the flesh?  

The bible is full of lies, misinterpretations, deceit and fraud.  Kings are responsible for the translations and as such they did it to support and justify their behaviour and empires.  Don't trust anything you read.  We need to check and double check to make sure history has not been altered.  That is why I ask that people not even trust me as I am susceptible to error and misinterpretation as well.  Do your own research!

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