Controlling freedom is like herding cats

Ever hear people joke around about how hard it is to herd cats? Perhaps this humorous commercial will bring some light into the issue.

So why do I bring this up?  Because when we find our freedom, we start to express our spirit.  As a result, we end up following spirit rather than a fictional constructs that guide our minds.  Spirit is wild, untamed and completely unpredictable.  It is this unpredictability that scares the hell out of the powers that be.  You want to be free?  Then follow your spirit and let go of the controls of the system.  Otherwise, sheep are easy to control and manage.  Cats, not so much.  

Now image if you were responsible for maintaining control.  How would you be able to do that when millions upon millions of people started living their lives based on the wilds of spirit instead of the command and controls of your system?  You are out numbered a million to 1.  Your control absolutely depends on people following the system like sheep.  But when they stop doing that, you are done.  Imagine.

While this may seem scary and chaotic to a lot of people, what this does result in is prosperity, peace and freedom.  Our safety comes as a result of the state being over whelmed by the millions of people who decide to live life as spirit commands instead of the state commands.  That takes a leap of faith in ones self!

There is no need for violence in order to do this.  We can prosper by overwhelming their fragile, limited and feeble system.  The only power they have is to intimidate people into compliance.  That is why they depend on fear and violence so much.  But when that is taken away from them, they have no choice but to surrender as it is impossible for them to keep up and manage it all.  

The internet is a black swan that exemplifies this very point.  They cannot keep up as we over run them with our numbers.  Even standing armies do not have a chance.  So I choose to surrender to the wilds of spirit and it is indeed liberating.  Be free!  The emperor has no cloths.  See him for what he actually is!

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