10 Dormant Fish 10-08-2017 Unfollowed

When the days shorten and temperatures drop, koi and other pond fish enter into what’s called torpor, or a period of decreased physiological activity that allows them to save energy. They don’t sleep the winter away, but they do essentially hibernate—their metabolism slows, they require less food, their activity level drops and their body temperatures reduce.


Now I hope this is what's happening with some of the guys I used to be following, and not that they gave up quickly on the platform before they got any real success. When I started here, I followed a lot of people with really not a lot of criteria. I have gone through a quarter of the guys I am following, and found 10 that did not have any activities in at least 15 days. I will keep this list and check on all once a month, and if they become active again, I will follow them right back. This is my 2nd day of doing this. The last one can be found in the link below:

10 Dormant Fish 09-08-2017 Unfollowed

UsernameLast ActivityReputatio
@vischangefitness19 Days Ago38
@waldokikken>30 Days Ago25
@wannerbet18 Days Ago39
@wati7621 Days Ago35
@yemikareem17 Days Ago30
@bitsca21 Days Ago25
@brentsteemer>30 Days Ago25
@catslover19 Days Ago26
@charlid21 Days Ago25
@chikastuff15 Days Ago37

I think one of the most important things I learned here is to try and tough out the mundane and boring first few days or weeks. I remember when my posts are not getting upvotes, and the number of people I was following was 10 times as much as my followers. The key is to continue to be active in posting, voting, and commenting in an engaging way. This will help build your following, your skills, and your exposure to this awesome community.

I will continue to go through my following and really hope to not find anymore dormant kois.


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