...that "Uncommon Way" approach

"When you can do the common things of life in an uncommon way, you will command the attention of the world."- George Washington Carver.image.png


It is hard for the common to tackle thing the uncommon way. For the man with common mind, thinks like a man with the common mind and only those with an uncommon mind can attempt to think and tackle things the uncommon way. The world is packed full with individuals who are just common in nature, thoughts, ideas, disposition and drive, hence, common things tends to trend.
I Feel Blessed!
Become uncommon in your thoughts and approach to life and you will be able to command the attention of the world through your work. Too many people prove to be smarter when they have someone on whose shoulder they can ride for free and when they get that chance, they get lost in lies and self-deceit hoping and wishing it was their life; and they will do whatever it takes to kill the one who owns that life they desire.
There is so much space for everyone to thrive and if we all can just understand what our position is in life, we will have results that outlives us. There is no need to slander someone after having benefited from his uncommon mentoring; a process that has helped you rise to certain heights in life.
Do not forget and always remember that, grace abides differently with everyone and if you have found a magic bean while tagging along someone who tackles things in an uncommon way, you should try and apply wisdom while using your bean because, the giant may come calling.
We all want to be remembered for something and because of the deceit in human nature, we tend to do terrible things to get ahead. Know one thing, only the uncommon can truly tackle things in an uncommon way.

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