When nothing’s certain, everything is possible


If presently you can feel in your gut that the way you’re living right now is miserable, maybe you should invite a little bit of uncertainty in it. Not knowing what will be is way better than accepting things as they currently are. Is it insanity to think this way? Perhaps. But coming from someone that’s been living life on the safe side, this means a lot. Someone once said, a brave man dies, but only once; however, a coward dies a thousand deaths. And Jim Rohn, the great motivational speaker, said and I’m paraphrasing here, it’s better to live 30 years full of adventure than to live 100 years safe in the corner.

There’s a reason why history doesn’t remember the critics and those who stood on the sideline, and it’s because they don’t matter. Let the story be that you fought and you lost terribly, but don’t let it be that you died a coward.

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