Hungry and tired.

Today turned out really hectic for me. After getting to work, I had to wait hours for the consultants to show up and after it all, I was having headache and hungry.
I had had only rice 🍚 and veggies 🥗.
I went to the market to get soup items but got home and there was no light.
At this time, my headache was getting worse. I just took water, placed my phone on silent, drew back my curtains and slept.
I woke up a few minutes past 8pm and found missed calls of some of my colleagues 🙄.

They expected me to do extra work, (sponsored content of about 10minutes without pay). I know I have been doing it from time to time for over a year but should I be taken for granted because of that? Not even a show of gratitude or a little monetary appreciation.

Today’s turn of events really got on my nerves. How would you expect I leave my house at past 8pm to voice a content, edit and get back home without being mobile or being paid a dime for extra hours?

Why do organizations only choose to overwork their staff without appreciating their efforts? How do these organizations expect to bloom and blossom?
How do these organizations expect their staff to give their all and not dread or dislike showing up at work because the excitement is dwindling?

I rest my case tonight.
See how stressed I look after the orientation programme today👇🏽. I just managed to smile because my friend and colleague kept ‘photo-bumping’.





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