WTF is the pathetic UN doing about this? The International Community needs to leave the UN.

Boats containing injured from the Israeli shootings trying to get to Cyprus for medical treatment halted by the Hideous Genocidal Israeli Bastards - how bad does it have to get before the UN actually begins to take action against this 80+ year aggressor Genocidal Israel? ....and Genocidal Israeli/USraeli propaganda states it's the Palestinian's fault for attacking in 1948 right after Genocidal Israel formation. No, the Palestinians were defending, no alternative, as British defense had left. No, the propaganda works because nobody stops to think and realize the waves of Jews arriving before Israel formation, the British and UN Partition Plans and the Israel formation in 1948 were THE ATTACKS on the majority population of the prior British Palestine.

The UN has international rules regarding the Illegal Occupation of land, rules about War Crimes, rules about Genocide, but it does FUCK ALL in the case of the Israel ATTACKING the Palestinians and taking their land. It does FUCK ALL about implementing the 1947 Partition Plan, all it would need would be a fair split.

Based on the UN's record here, you wouldn't be unrealistic to suggest that the UN must therefore be an active part of the implementation of Genocidal Zionism's rule over the entire once British Palestine and beyond.

The UN has to disband. It's totally useless and biased. The International Community has to leave and form a real organization committed to dealing with/stopping conventional and unconventional actions that are not serving humanity.

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