Nice to meet you!


I am a 22 year old Asian American engineer located at the East Coast of the United States (if you've read my profile, I'm a total cliche I realize). Ironically, I hold a Bachelors in Computer Science from UMBC but due to circumstances I'm an engineer now, so thats fun. I was introduced to Steemit by my friend @nphacker, my goto source for all that is crypto.

A little more about me, my hobbies include gaming (if you couldn't already guess by my ESO profile picture, Planetside 2 cover photo, and Dragon Age reference in my display name). I got ESO about a week ago and I must say I very highly recommend it. I'm looking to acquire Wolfenstein II before Christmas but I'm moving to a new home this weekend and I really need to stop buying things because I would love to get a new desk....and like a bed. I also really enjoy going to the movies, going out to bar crawls, anime, and wow this is starting to sound like a dating profile. Sorry ladies, men, and other; this isn't that kind of profile.

Anyhow, I'm really glad to be a part of the Steemian community. I will admit, the recent BTC increase to $10k+ was a pretty big incentive to start getting into crypto and subsequently join SteemIt. But as a avid modern technology enthusiast I do like being a part of new emerging forms of media.

Well thats all for now, I look forward to interacting with everyone here, exploring more of Steemit and cryptocurrency, and being a part of its developmental lifecycle!

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