Generally, I'm awake till about 2am trying to learn programming on my own and then i sleep off with system still on.
My day started off smoothly, i woke up, prayed, bath and like every final year project student in the university, i was always seen around my project supervisor's office trying to meet her for some corrections.

I've earlier submitted my chapter 2 to her so on this very day, i was heading back to her office to get back the corrected work so as to work on it again.
Now heading to her office i deed get a call that my first semester departmental results have been pasted. Now the average Nigerian student knows that results come with fear 😱 and anxiety, this little information quickly switched my attention from SUPERVISOR to RESULTS.

I headed straight to the notice board were the results have been pasted and as usual my colleagues have swarmed the place trying to check theirs.

I just couldn't wait with the bucket full of anxiousness in me, i pushed my way in not minding if i get stained by a ladies makeup 💄 or not...

First result of mine i saw was a B, this reduced the rate of heart beat and then i checked the others and i could see 2 more B's an A and a C.

Now my happiness skyrocketed when i calculated my GP right there and it fell on exactly 4.0
I so needed that boost to assure myself a 2.1 CGPA since I'm just about done with school.

Well it's late now and im still feeling the joy all around me... 😄 😂
It surr has been God all the way... 😄 Thanks y'all

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