#ulog10 Training for UK Crown Court

Hey, how's you?


++ I shall explain the doughnut shortly ++

Today I have been training in Derby for my new Crown Court role. My job is to help witnesses deliver their statements and gain a good understanding of the whole court process, whilst allaying any fears or worries they may have.

Court is not a warm and welcoming place to be in, especially if you are summoned to give evidence and may feel scared of attending or even of the defendant. Many are quite badly affected by what was witnessed, whether it was a one off incident, or not. The perpetrators can be family members at times, which sends the stress levels off the scale and the trauma stays with the victims of crime (including victims who are witnesses) for a long time and often for many years, if not life. So support is crucial when a witness comes to court on a pre-trial visit or on the day of the hearing. https://www.nspcc.org.uk/what-we-do/childrens-stories-about-abuse/alices-story/


Witnesses can make a huge difference to cases, despite sometimes having to accept that the verdict will not always go the way they hope it will, but it is the job of the Witness Service Support as well as other involved authorities, to procure the best from them in the hardest of circumstances, without being privvy to the facts of the case.


However, many witnesses are young, vulnerable and often victims themselves, so the whole prospect of attending court sometime after the event (and to some extent "reliving" what has happened) can be very uncomfortable and pretty nerve-racking. At the Crown Court the level of crime is serious, with sexual and domestic violence of every type and often heavy sentencing for those found guilty of dealing drugs or in possession of fire arms, the offences list goes on... And on.

Screen Shot 2018-08-03 at 21.25.54.png

Which is why support with care and compassion is essential and some witness service providers GO THE EXTRA MILE to help young and vulnerable witnesses feel more at ease, whether that means making sure a DOUGHNUT is in the fridge in the livelink tv room (yes, this is why I posted that pic), or, as one child witness was allowed recently - to bring their pet hamster in, to help comfort them on the day of the trial when giving their evidence for the case! Think this is a little exceptional though and not all courts would allow it. :)


My favourite part of training is not always the training itself, but meeting others on the course and sharing stories, having fun and learning from each other [although hate role play] it's weird and if I wanted to do drama I would have opted for that at school, BUT tbh, the escape of two days away from home for me, is a treat enough and getting to go to the Hotel gym makes me THAT saddo person in workout attire, sporting a small towel, excess flobalob and sweaty lycra - very Putin-esque. Except I don't BBQ stake afterwards like Vladimir! :D .

----> Cue narcissistic photograph of me in my bathroom mirror (oh dear) after 10k run tonight, downstairs in the gym ~ burning off the excess weight gain from studying double law modules over the last nine months!


Had the machines to myself, so a best case scenario as no 'gymtimidation' by any pros around lol.


Some of the others went straight to the pub afterward today's course, but I prefer busting mileage on the swish hotel running machines and afterwards indulging in a long, sacrosanct and undisturbed hot shower (as opposed to my kids knocking on the bathroom door - and the general mayhem to be found at home). Seems I am easy to please lol, if not cheap to maintain.

My little girl will be happy to see these colourful lotions and potions I shall bring home for her tomorrow. #thelittlethings


Right, I better eat some chocolate and leave it anywhere I want to in this hotel room, as there are no little peskies about to deprive me of it, although I think they would have more fun playing on the swanky retro phone in this quirky #Pentahotel.


Face-timed my family to say goodnight, and had gigglz with my daughter and fella (my boys have gone to see their dad down south and are off on holiday to the South France). I see them in three weeks, which is a long wait and agonising at times. Another reason to exercise as it lifts my mood! Co-parenting can really suck at times, but at least they live with me. :))

Driving back home tomorrow and will listen to whatever I like on the radio as no fascist in the back to disapprove of my crony choices. Hoorah for the mini-break to Derby, the empty hotel gym, lengthy shower and sacred chocolate stash... These are the perks of training days!

Hugs (it's ok, I've showered) x

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