Thoughts During Rainy Days

Some people find rain annoying. Maybe so if you are outside and forgot to bring an umbrella. Or perhaps your hands are full of grocery bags and do not have the capability to use one. Or if you are witnessing a very wonderful scene but the rain had to cut the view off. Nevertheless, God gives us rain.

"That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust." - Matthew 5:45 (KJV)

We are taught in school how rain is formed and we often simplify it by referring to the water cycle. You know, water rises in the air and so on and so forth, and that it also depends on the air temperature that may result to this and that. I don't think I want to talk about the water cycle and wind formation. Do you?


photo not mine / source:

I like it when it drizzles. Well, it actually depends on my mood but in general, I like the drizzle type of rain. It is like some kind of quiet music that taps on our rooftops, noticeable yet unnoticed. (A leak from the roof is totally a different story!) Have you ever felt being lulled by the rain? Especially when the night is quiet, the moon is bright, and the rain sings to you.

I sometimes enjoy a cup of coffee or chocolate in hand whilst admiring the rain, perhaps read a book if time permits. Most often than not I like to lie in bed and think. Think about what, you ask? Everything. It is such a great to assess yourself, the things you have done, and the things you want to do. It is necessary in life that for some time we rest for a bit, and look back. It does not mean we are quitting but, it simply means we are gauging what we have so far. And the rain helps me do that.

If I feel a little creative, I write a poem or two. And if I feel more creative (which is very very seldom, my friends), I do write something longer. I keep things in my journal or Google Drive. Now that I think about it, I do not have one storage where I keep the outcomes of my barely creative juices. Writing is my hobby but it pains me how disorganized my mind could be so the sound of the rain really helps me.

Thankfully, I discovered a wonderful find here.

I have read a few articles that people who like rain are mostly introverts. It is because of the feeling of melancholy and of attachment. I can somehow relate to this but rain does not always bring me sadness, it brings me peace and solidarity, the things I need to recharge myself. The melodious sound of rain gives warmth. Of course, it might be different for some people but as long as we are not hurting anybody and we are not doing anything wrong, it is not so bad to like the rain so much.

If only I have ample time for my leisure, I would like to walk in the rain. Sometimes it can be more satisfying than staying at home reading or writing or watching a movie. The outdoors always have something for us. Isn't it great?

How about you? Do you like the rain as well?

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