Ulog day..Traveling in Laut Tawar

The streets enjoying the beauty of nature is a fun thing and by enjoying the beauty of nature will make fikir become fresh, visit every sights in addition to enjoy the beauty of nature we will also get many new experiences in this life because every place we go will get experience different.
And the sights I visit with my friends today are "Laut Tawar.


"Laut Tawar located in Aceh that is in the highlands gayo, this place is like a lake but not a lake, this place is visited by many tourists both from local and from outside the region and on certain days such as Idul Fitri or day eid adha visitors will be more than usual day to make the place becomes crowded, the visitors coming from the rising of the sun until late at night.
Being happy with my friends while enjoying the beauty of "Laut Tawar is a new experience for me on this trip.

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