Sail Tomini ( one of tourist destination in Palu,)

This is my memorable when accompanying the participant of 9th National Culture Camp (KBN) that was held on 16 to 22 September 2018. The event is located in the former 2015 Sail Tomini area which is located in the sea bay of Tomini Beach, Kayubura, Parigi Moutong Regency, Central Sulawesi Province before earthquake and tsunami Palu, Sigi and Donggala About a week ago.




Sail tomini is very beautiful when we saw it from top of monument of Parigi Moutong Khatulistiwa (PMK). The PMK Monument is located on a top hill with an altitude of about 150 meters on sea surface level and at the foot of the hill lies the location of Sail Tomini tours.



In addition to its beautiful place, the people who live in the location are also very welcoming and Friendly, this is one of the attractions for local and foreign tourists and hopefully this income can be maintained after the country was hit by an earthquake and tsunami, because this is one place to be used as a tourist destination that people are interested in in the future.



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