ULOG 110 - Short garden update

ULOG 110 - Short garden update

Thanks to Spring, things are going a bit faster in my little garden and with the switch to daylight saving time, I still have an hour or so of sunlight to be able to enjoy some time in the backyard before diner, that's priceless.

I received a parcel today, it's always exciting! This time I've received a China hat vent for a wood heater flue. But I don't have a wood heater nor do I have a flue 😂, I bought this for an experiment for my rocket stove. Previously, my family used to have some evenings by the rocket stove cooking and enjoying our time together. But it was sometimes a little bit cold and we could benefit of some of the heat from the stove itself after the cooking is done. So I was using this metal cone that was left by the previous house owners.


It kind of works for the purpose I wanted:

  • it heats up and radiate the heat
  • the heat is slowing down on its way up and is getting redirected to the bottom towards the front because I placed it more forward.

Then I wanted to get a flue but could not find cheap enough so went on and looked for something else and found this flue roof.


It might be a tad too small offering less surface area to radiate the heat, we will see.

Before the sun went down, I went harvesting some more Mulberries so my wife can make even more jams! Yum Yum!


Under the Mulberry tree, my Comfrey mother plant was growing very fast and has also started flowering.

Comfrey flower

The Chokos (Chayote) seems to like Spring and is giving sign of growth.

Chokos (Chayote) vine

The Valerian is asking for a larger pot.


Finally, I decided to set the compost tumbler horizontally instead of its usual vertical position. The reason why is that this tumbler was gradually filled with horse manure and there are compost worms inside. And from my previous video you could see there are a lot of worms inside and probably tons of cocoons too.

Compost tumbler installed horizontally

One thing that promotes allows a larger population of worms to form is surface area. Increasing the the depth of a bin won't allow much increase of the worm population because worms mostly goes to the surface to feed. Increase the surface area is the key. By placing this tumbler horizontally, I've more or less doubled the surface area, so now the worms have more space to wander around and eat and make babies!

Previously on my Ulog:

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  • The image at the top has been generated with the Canva app using my own photo.

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