Positive and negative积极和消极

Paradigms Are Habits—Other People’s Habits



Paradigms can be likened to a program that has been installed in your brain; a program that was very likely written by people who loved you—good people, people who sincerely wanted nothing but the best for you.


The people who were writing your program were giving you what they had been given, what they believed to be true. Unfortunately, they had no idea of what they were doing, the limiting beliefs that they were writing into your program, that could control the remainder of your life.


Looking back from a more educated perspective, it is obvious the focus of the people who were raising you, was primarily for your physical well-being; they had little or no knowledge of what was happening to you mentally. It was generally believed if you were clean, warm and well-fed, the job was being properly done.


-Bob Proctor

--- 鲍勃·普克特


Talk only with positive people about your goals. Negative people will always try and tell you to be “realistic.” Don’t listen to them.


-Gerry Robert
-- 格里· 罗伯特

For example, you might say “I want to own my own home.”


In that moment, the Law of Attraction is orchestrating circumstances and events to bring it to you. However, if you’re like most people, you’ll probably sabotage yourself by saying you can’t afford your own home. Now you’re offering a vibration of lack and that’s what the Law of Attraction is responding to.


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