ULOG-Memories : "My Successful Cs Delivery To My Son"

I am glad to take this opportunity by saying thank you @surpassinggoogle for being supportive and appreciative to all steemian, New or old you make them all level and the same way by upvoting and resteem , You make a lot of steemir be grateful by expressing their happiest moment and unforgettable memories by expressing in our #ulog. I'm so happy to know you and be lucky to be part of this #Ulog-memories. Godbless!

Being a first time pregnant is very nervous but very happy to feel you child in your tummy kicking so strong and thinking that they wanted to go out already because of every kick they do your tummy look likes will be burst, But that's the happiest moment of my life feeling that I have a boy inside me is very exciting but more exciting is to see him personally so I can express more my love by my touch and introduce him the so called world of reality ,

Way back in april 28 2015 my due date, But before we go to ER, Selfie First :)


As a first time Cs delivery is very nervous if will be successful or not, I'm in the ER now waiting for the nurse to assist me they observe me if I can do normal delivery because I insist that maybe I can do it normal then why not, But its so sad observing me every minutes is a less to be normal delivery, My doctor come to ER and tell that I must be undergo CS delivery due I don't have water what I mean the liquid that burst out first before the baby go out and also my condition is not good because my son is to big and very long. But still I can take a selfie with a smile because I want to be happy in this my first time moment and of course I can finally see my son thats on my mind I do the risk no matter what is good to me and my son.


In this moment they transfer me to my room through wheel chair, I'm so excited but very mix emotion that time, I know all mother feel what I feel :)


I ask the nurse if I can stop to hospital chapel for a bit in do a little prayer for my successful delivery,


I am already in my room and all nurses assist me for checking my blood pressure and also for preparing go inside operating room, I was normal and calm that time a little nervous but 100% happy. But all in my mind is c'mon lets do this no more assist or observing I wanted to end this and see my son, :)


Oh my God this is it! They will transfer me to another bed so I must prepare my God only a walk and also any time I can finally see my son. I dont think about pain I think only my son and I'm so 100% know that I will be in successful delivery because I am strong my son is strong too, I feel his strong kick in that time like saying mommy c'mon I want to be with you and papa :),


Take a selfie first :),


Oh my ! oh my! any step and I will be inside the operating room I still remember that moment and say to my son hold on son in any minutes and hour you will see mama and papa and be strong,


OMG! this is it !


After 2 hours of Cs delivery I give birth to a healthy boy weight 3.5 kilogram, I was in the recovery room that time and waiting that they give him to me because he is in Incubator,


And finally after recovery they take me in my room and of course with my son huhuhuhuh when I see him first time is very emotional like thinking really? this is really my son? I wake every minutes to check him if he still breathing is so very crazy when you are first time mother because you can think all bad things can be possible happen to your infants, I cannot sleep I watching him all the time and still cant believe that I have already him by my side,
The tears of joy flowing I feel like I win a forever lottery and of course I'm so happy that me and my son is okay and healthy. :)


After 3 days by lying down in my room in hospital I can start sitting slowly and I was so shock that is more happier to take your child in your arms you feel his warm, Again tears flowing that I can only thank God for giving me a chance to be a mother of this handsome boy that I cannot believe is my son :) My god so mix emotion that time like you will jumping but you can't because of my condition and think also that my Cs delivery is worth it to risk and worth the wait :),


After 3 years and 4 months:) my child growing so fast and high and only mommy more smaller :):


Yes! fellow #uloggers #steemian this is the best #ulog-memories that is very unforgettable to me because of all the mix emotion I feel that time and that's the first time I feel in my whole life and realizing that as a woman the greatest gift of our lord God to us is having our own family and of course to be a mother that is really an everlasting love and an everlasting position that a mother will be no more retirement because as a mother I believe that your child can forgot to love you sometimes but a mother's love is never ending, So right now all my love, my care, my time, my everything I share to my child so he will be growing to feel my love and he is not only one but we are with him in his journey.

Thank you fellow steemian and to all who organize and make this contest #ulog-memories possible!

And a special Thanks to @mrnightmare89 for creating this contest for everyone!

Here are the rules:
1.Resteem and upvote his post to make the contest works.
2.First tag #ulog and second tag #ulog-memories.
3.English language only.
4.Make it in ulog.org
5.Be sure it's your memories from the past.
6.One entry everyday per person.

60% for interesting and exciting story (ex. adventure, horror, love story)
20% for images (no specific number of photo)
10% for introduction/appreciation to @surpassinggoogle's ulog
10% for the number of upvotes.
Total of 100%

Here's the link to @mrnightmare89 's contest:

This post was made from https://ulogs.org

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