These questions are always bothering me. 

  • Am I capable enough to create and think of new ideas for my vlog?
  • Am I behind the timeline?
  • Is it really too late to be a youtuber this 2019? 

I have been planning on being a youtuber since, I don't know, maybe  after I graduated from high school. I got excited because I thought, since I am going to college, I could do everything what I wanted.  It didn't happened hah! Why? Well, in light of fact you need to have equipment in order to create a video or two - cameras, mics for audio, laptop for raw materials and of course, for editing. And I can't afford those things before, so sad, so much wishful thinking.

But now! I am currently working on a government corporation, and I can say that I am getting by in life, and  I can't stop thinking about it, the video making thing. I want to create things, I want it to be personal and I want to do something that I really really really love, and that is to entertain people. 

After writing the thing I have mention in this ulog, I think I could now answer the question that is bothering me haha

Am I capable enough to create and think of new ideas for my vlog?

We are all capable of this thing! We are limitless! This is a no-brainer haha! I am sure there will always be inspiration just around the corner. The adrenaline rush you feel everytime you create something that you really love, the creative juices in your brain will come rushing in! And voila! You just gave birth to the most amazing content! haha

Now, for the Am I behind the timeline? and Is it really too late to be a youtuber this 2019? question. This is a tough one. Am I really behind the timeline? And is there really a timeline? In my opinion, it is important to think about these things. Due to the fact that the platform I am going to use is Youtube, this means it requires audience or viewers. What does the viewers like to watch these days? What are the trending things? These are the things, I think, I need to consider before pushing myself to create vlogs.

What do you think? Is it really to late for me to create a youtube channel? Will you subscribe? haha 

Comment down below! Your opinion are very much welcome here! ♥

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