Permission* - Word of the Day

"Word of the Day" - "Permission" is a follow through from the previous word, "Money".

Highlights on living, "Money".

Money isn't emotional. This is a cool reminder in facing deep internal points….where there's a tendency to move into a 'reaction'…and become emotional…….by recognizing our emotions, feelings and thoughts in an objective manner… the way we look at money in an objective manner - this supports with making rational, logical - Practical Decisions that are Best for self as the starting point principle of ' What's best for Me is what's best for all Life - so I move me from the starting point of 'if it's best for all life - that always includes me too - together one and equal here.'

Money is like the. "words of support here"….we "give" the words to ourselves to support living…."creating meaning" Here. Money is kind of like that too…'s to support Life here - All Life. Obviously there's some problems existent in terms of all life being supported. With this regard in mind…it starts with ourselves and branching our support outwards as a tree of life - we see just how much we can extend our reach to support the best living/sharing as Life itself Here.

Hindsight is 20/20…'s always easier to look back afterwards……so do that periodically and realize and regard and bring forward the credits earned and the life lessons that can be shared. Miss takes are so often the things that we must take the time to look at more closely because other wise we would have missed taking the time to see and understand that point with such clarity.

Let's Get Into Permission

"Permission" is the word of the day. There is no greater authority in your life than yourself. You are the epitome of the "permission key". Our permission is the ey to our particiaption here - how we enable or disable our abilities.

Anyone can tell anyone what's up…how something is….what something is and or does….but it's always about ourselves as who and how we are here that determine if we will or will not engage.

The question being:

Do we give ourselves permission?

Follow up questioning can go into:

What principles support/guide me in exercising my permissions?

Permission is a point of contract and agreement so much so….and it's an interesting dynmanic to look at it in this way because we are the primary source of ourselves here….the author and the authority. Obviously it's worth questioning our very acceptances and allowances here - the good and the bad…..everything…..for we are the authors and the authorities.

A day is a lifetime and then some.

Making one adjustment and or refinement to your life can have profound effects to the best benefit of yourself and so to all of existence. It's a matter of care taking, "Permission."

Have a look and see what you resist and what has consistently still persisted within yourself.


Who gives who permission? Give yourself Permission to Self-Forgive.

When there's a moment in the day that seems tough and bothersome - it's here we can ask ourselves, who is giving permission to the experience within ourselves? We are the source of our acceptances and allowances - always.

There's a tremendous amount of responsibility within and as the understanding of Permission and what it means to self-authorize working relationships as an outflow of our Internal Permissions.
This post is a follow through from the previous days ' word of the day', "Memory"
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