All those broken cell phones..

I'm convinced im not the only one with a collection of these things. I mean, I know I'm never going to fix them, they are old, broken, shattered screens and what not, but I can't get rid of them, I just can't. Why, you ask? Because, they broke with all this information on them. I never got a chance to wipe them clean and the what ifs are rampant.

I find it kind of terrifying that we have so much personal information on these things. I mean, we install all the little apps, the bank account app, the email accounts of course, the 2FA seeds, you name it, no matter who owns a smartphone these days, chances are that person has put a lot of very dangerous stuff on their phone.

I know someone is going to point out that no one has put a gun to my head, and that I made the choice to put all that info in them, I know that. But, the way this whole thing has worked out is that we've all succumbed, or at least I have, to convenience.

Could I go back to an era pre cellphone? Of course, but do I want to, do I really want to? - I mean, let's be honest here, we have grown so used to these super computers that fit in our pockets that when we have misplaced them, it feels like we forgot our wallet at the restaurant.

There is an app for that

I'm old enough to remember a time were remembering ten or so phone numbers was absolutely necessary. I mean, you had to know your parents number, and your best friends. Gosh, my parents even knew phone numbers to friends of mine. But today... Who knows phone numbers? I mean, aside from your own? We all have an app that arranges them, and those who love being fancy even have an obeying AI that makes the phone calls.

"Siri... call the boss lady"

And of course the limit is not even defined. We bank with our phones, we browse the internet, we STEEM (I certainly started to), I even do some minor crypto things on my freaking cell phone. Ok, maybe that's not too smart, but I do. So, you see these little broken devices could be some kryptonite disguised as outdated technology and I just can't remember their launch codes.

What's the right move?

Spend the money, fix them, and then reset them? I guess I could do that, but that feels like I'm flushing some money down the toilet, specially because nobody would use them afterwards. That is if they can even be fixed, maybe they can't, but the data could be extracted still.... maybe.

Should I see how the fare against a woodchipper? I mean, I know that Woodchipper always wins, but doesn't it feel like I'm destroying the planet a little bit, making tech become absolute useless garbage. I mean, I know it's already garbage, but it's garbage with potential, there is a difference...

I haz a confuze

I'm going to stare at these broken phones for a little bit, see if I get some sort of revelation.... I mean, I know I wont, but I'm still going to stare at them.

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