#ulog 12: (Trying To) Gather Eggs and Battling With the Broody Hens...

My Friend Was Over & Thought This Was Hilarious

Me getting torn apart by our 10 broody hens as I just try and get their potential children the eggs.


I'm trying, gently, to break them of their broodiness. When I go to get the eggs, I take them one by one (two by two when I'm lucky) out to the chicken run to try and get them living their lives again instead of all laying there together in a pile in the coop all day.

Broodiness spreads like wildfire through our flock. As soon as one goes broody it's like everyone wants to join in the bitchy fun! They start screaming as soon as they hear me undo the lock on the coop. It breaks my heart but we just can't hatch any more chicks, we already have a flock of 35 chickens because of their crazy breeding skills.


As you can see I'm wearing gloves. They bite the shit out of me! #chickenbitchez, this is partly how they got their name 😂


You guys like how they hide under there? I'm seriously considering asking @hendrix22 to block off that whole ledge. It's so hard for me to get under there. And yeah, if @eddiebowes read this he'd be laughing so hard I could hear him from across the country. He's away for the summer visiting his Family. He's my egg man, and he's got them so tamed. Actually even Brendan has an easier time getting the eggs from the broodies compared to me. When he comes home from work early enough I employ him!


Not a bad amount of eggs considering we have 10 broody hens and at least that many more are moulting. I hope you're having a beautiful day/evening where ever you are my sweet #ulog family!

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