#ULOG Journal 6| Let Me Appreciate You


Let yourself mind those small things you have.

I always ask my students "How are you today?" and they boringly reply, "I'm fine"... "Nothing special.". We all think every day is just a common. A wasted day rather. I rarely hear people saying that they did have a great day. We always complain about things that we shouldn't. We don't appreciate simple and common things because we always see, touch, hear them. Have you ever said that your work gave you a great day? Or that cleaning your house was a total entertainment? I bet, not. We don't care about the good things about the tiny things. I don't, either.

I rarely appreciate the things that I have, just like the several pairs of shoes that I bought. I would buy today and the next few weeks but end up not using them and just stuck them all together, let them get dirty and never to clean them. It's the same with my others things. I hate myself for being inconsiderate of my things... if they were living, they would have probably slapped me and pointed fingers at me saying how irresponsible I am.

I rarely notice how adorable the chickens are in our front yard. I rarely get out of the house and appreciate the things we have in and around our house. All I cared about was my job, that I have to get inside my working station to finish my class memos.

Today was different. Brownout, which I hate so much, gave me the chance to look around and appreciate the ugliness of our house. I am living in the suburb that most houses aren't the type of house that you might be thinking right now. It's just a small, made of wood and nipa, yet enough for us. Instead of heading to my working station, I decided to clean my old shoes in the faucet that is in our front yard. It's the first time in years that I have done that. While I was cleaning my shoes, it gives me a lot of realization. I realize how messy I am. I realize how distant I am. I realize how imperfect I am. Whenever I am alone, my mind flies into another world and let me remember all the things that I missed to appreciate or memories that remind me of happy and sad ones.

I remember one of my students telling me how she never got a compliment from her parents. Her parents were greedy of praises. They never appreciated how she studied day and night just to get their "Good work!". She told me how she wanted to hear praises from them but she failed. Appreciation has a great impact on everyone, just like how my parents would smile from ear to ear every time I showed them my 100 score on my score tests or when I get grades. Well, I never really heard them saying "Good work." but they always told me that I would get a peso for every perfect score I got. That boosts my confidence and strive to do better at school. It's just like how this big-hearted guy, Sir Terry, is giving to everyone. He is appreciating every single piece of ulog or other Steemians' blogs. To think he is not blood-related with us, he shouldn't care but he does... always does. His appreciation boosts a lot of Steemians to appreciate this new world of blogging.

Either this coconut tree that is silently standing still amidst all chaos and giving shed to our chickens.

Or these chickens that are noisily crowing every time.

Never think you aren't appreciated because you are. Now, go out and appreciate small things you see. That's all for today's #ulog journal.

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All pictures used are taken and edited by @loudetteiam.


If you haven't read my #ulog stories, you can check them here.

#Ulog Episode 1: A Random Saturday
#Ulog Episode 2: Jollibee Made me Happy and I also Learned Something New Today
#Ulog Episode 3: Should I Let my Job Go?
#Ulog Journal 4: Simplicity and Satisfaction
#ULOG Journal 5|Visiting Lolo's (Grandpa) Home


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Loving you all, Steemians.

Loudette 😘

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