Ulog # 16: Of Distance and Tender Achings

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Good day, Steemians! I sincerely hope your day went well.

It was a hot night up until 9 pm, the heat seemed to seep into my skin. And now there’s a welcome coolness in the air. Thunder is sounding off at a distance, and the pleasant pitter patter can be heard faintly over the sound of Sabrina Carpenter singing Run and Hide. Usually I would be singing along in an offkey tune, but tonight I let her be and just play the role of the content listener.

My love’s probably busy with studies, she mentioned she’s studying law subjects tonight (incidentally, she’s taking up the same course I took up in college so sometimes we discuss the lessons she’s going over). If I were there I could just watch her study, I’d try to keep my mouth shut and make a real effort not to make random puns. I’d just sit still and look at her. I wish I was looking at her instead of the gray walls. I wish she was in any of the spaces around me now, or that I was in any of the spaces around her. I wish there wasn’t so much distance between us, I wish I could reach out and feel her warmth beneath my fingertips instead of cold air. To be honest, that’s how I thought I would find love. I thought it would be someone near, someone I would always get to see in person, she thought that too. Neither of us thought we’d end up with someone hundres of miles away. Because in love, any distance is already too much right? And this physical distance is really just exponentially increasing the aching to be near.

Anyway, is this even supposed to be an Ulog? Well, she matters to me, a lot, before her only my family mattered to me as much. So I guess, in a way it qualifies to be an ulog. 😂

Anyway, this is a bit ranty. Is ranty even a word? Well, I’ll accept it as one.

The thing is, I do not ache much for other people. I appreciate human beings, humans are interesting. They have brilliant thoughts and interesting perspectives and quirky ways and amusing habits; humans are adorable creatures at their most benevolent and maliceless states, but even so, I do not ache for them. I do not miss people often, they are there when they are there and gone when they’ve left. It’s just a fact to me. That is why to feel tender achings for my adorable human who’s a hundred miles away is both a strange albeit welcome feeling; I’m glad I found her, she’s worth aching for.

So yeah, this has been an out of the blue ulog. 😂 I still hope it was worth your while reading it though.

Till next #ulog! stares blankly at the wall again and begins dramatically singing “Go The Distance”.


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