ULOG 2: Small Wins with the Kids

A photo of me taken with Jollibee, Philippines' most friendly bee neighbor during the Outreach Program at San Roque Primary School awhile ago.

For my second ulog entry, I wanted to write something brieft but a memorable memory. This would be very brief because my time alloted to be online is limited.

This is something that is dear to my heart. I wanted to share with all of you some touching stories and photos of our activity awhile ago.

Instead of having a 36hours of duty at Internal Medicine, we had an outreach activity. Both pre-duty and post duty Junior Interns were told to be present. The sponsors of this outreach program are the Internal Medicine of SUMS and Jollibee. Whoever are the other sponsors or organization behind this, my sincerest gratitude for making this activity possible.

This is not actually the first outreach activity that I had been to; still being able to go out, meet different people, and feeling their burden has always been and will always be something I look forward to.


As part of the program, the students were given comfortable slippers that they could wear outdoors or even indoors. I do hope that these could help them explore the outside world and remain curious about their surroundings.




When Jollibee went out to the kids for more fun-filled activities, they were all smiles, including us interns! They enjoyed most his dance moves that made the crowd cheer even the guardians who were around the activity center.

One of the kid, who I must say is very witty, told us that he has only seen a black bee and never in his life had seen a red and a yellow bee such as Jollibee.


There were also games with lots of prizes that were stored for them. Of course we were with children! One of the games is The Boat is Sinking. For huge crowds, this game has often been overused in parties and outreaches as well.

Being with the children was like breathing fresh air after a long time of working nonstop at the hospital. I am not complaining though as going on duties is part of the learning process in Medical School. It is just that I love being part of this fun and very dynamic environment - especially with the children.

I am looking forward that although the children may forget us, the spirit of oneness would be in their hearts. May they always keep themselves healthy too! It would be sad to meet someone from this community in the hospital.

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