ULOG #04: Professors Strike - Without Internet

NOTE: I wrote this yesterday but like I didn't have internet I couldn't upload it, my apologies but like I have internet in this moment and I made my drawings I decided upload my post today...

Hello Ulogers! I hope you be great! Well, today was other hard day; I began to notice that in Venezuela the difficult days are more common that I thought.

I waked up at the 5am because I had classes at 8am and like I told you before the university where I study it’s very far from where I live, so I have to wake up early to take the University’s bus. Today were too many students in the bus stop and some professors were there too because the situation of transport in my stated is very alarm, it’s so difficult try to take a bus here and the University’s bus is very useful to us.

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The Tuesdays I have English Phonetic, Reading and Writing Workshop in a Foreign Language and Educational Evaluation but in these last weeks the professors were in strike because the Government don’t give them a just pay (in Venezuela the teachers and professors are the worse pays), was really awkward have classes before all this free days for the strike but a professor told us that probably the strike continue but indefinitely and that’s the worse notice for a student of the last semesters in a public university because that kind of strikes are too long and one time a strike like that lasted 2 years and I don’t want that, now we have to wait for tomorrow to know if the professors will go to a undefined strike.

For Reading and Writing Workshop we have to read an articles or composition of free topics to talk about that in classes and today I decided to talked about an article that I read about Steemit and I reinforced with my personal experience in the page, the professor was very interested with Steemit, that was really easy for me, and I talked about Ulog too and how write to Ulog help me to raise my writing skills and to increment my English vocabulary because every time that I write for you I learn at least a new word or expression in English. In the class we read a text call it “Two legends from Ecuador” was two stories about the natives some place of Ecuador, about their gods, their traditions and how they lose it, was a very interesting story, and we have to make an activities with that text.

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After of my last class (that was educative evaluation) the game of semi-finals of the word cup started, today played France Vs Belgium and obviously I support to Frances because Belgium eliminated to my favorite team (Brazil), I couldn’t watching by TV because mine friends and me were in the University’s Bus waiting to start to Valera, but we could listened by the radio, was so funny how all the students in the bus were trying to listen the game by the phone of my friend Mare. Finally when the bus started, we were listened the second time of the game in the way to Valera; when France make the goal I was so happy and I made a lot of jokes to my friend Wilfredo because he was supporting to the team of Belgium .

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In the way to Valera was a strike of the people of Coco Frío, all the cars were returning to search other way but the guys in the bus screamed to the driver that stilled driving and we finally arrive were the strike were the boys went out them try to talk with the people trying of t hem let of across the strike to could go home, but some women try to attack them with a sticks, that made that the boy get angry so the stared to take away the barricade but a man appeared with a machete and threatened to the guys but a cars in the other side of the way distracted and the guys take away the barricade and we could pass the strike, the people of Coco Frío were very angry and stared to scream us swear words but that didn’t cares because we could pass the barricade.

When we finally arrive to Valera was raining and I had to go to the pharmacy where my cousin Elisana works to wait that the stop raining, and being there an uncle of us call to Elisana because other cousin was really sick and he was in the clinical, and our uncle ask us to help because our aunt was alone with our cousin in the clinical and she need our support in that hard moment. Elisana and I went to the clinical as fast as possible; when we arrived to the clinical we hugged to our aunt, we talked with her and tried to calm her (For personal motive I can’t say you the illness of my cousin, sorry).

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When the doctor said all the things that my cousin needed we started to search all the medicines and supplies, her was needing an intravenous catheter and a physiological solution, that took us too much time because in Venezuela all that kind of things are scarce and we had to make too many calls and go to too many places but we found the things to make him the treatment only for today, tomorrow we have to start the search again.
Now I’m in my home resting and writing to you but I don’t have internet in this moment so I have to wait to upload this pots, probably I do it tomorrow because it’s 11:00pm, the internet hasn’t arrived and I have to sleep, maybe tomorrow I will tell you how my cousin is and if we get him what is missing but now I have to say bye bye, have a happy night and we read us soon guys!

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