ULOG #10 - Rambles, Rants, and Selfies!

Hello uloggers and steemians! 😊 Another morning ulog from me. It's probably weird that I write them in the morning, but my days are generally carbon copies of one another and mornings are when I feel more at ease with delivering a ramble.

So... it's rambling time!

I wrote a literary rant a while back when I first joined Steemit and I'm still somewhat feeling miffed about it. There is no perfect in fiction and the elitism annoys me.

My favourite books - mainstream books that were glorious enough to be published traditionally - are not perfect. There are copious adverbs. There is difficult-to-understand headhopping that sometimes I need to re-read to grasp. There are awkward run-on sentences. Over-descriptiveness. There is one book that is written in elaborate, flowery language that most people recommend against but it's a style that I find pleasing. These books and stories are flawed, but I love them. All of them.

Every flaw is a little reminder that despite the demands for perfection, the average reader is happy with imperfection and writers need to chill. the. eff. out. I'm trying to perfect my writing as much as I possibly can but I am only human and I need this reminder to myself. Be flawed! Be wonderful! Be YOU! Be ME!

✨⭐🌟"You are doing okay. Believe in yourself."🌟⭐✨

I'm not advocating "bad writing" strewn with terrible spelling and horrible grammar. Like my ulogs! Haha! Just, absolute perfection is not necessary.😉

But, I'm not here to rant about the literary world today. It kind of just popped out because of an article I saw recently and apparently it's still on my mind. Perhaps now that I've ranted a bit it will leave my mind? 😂 One can hope. I fixate on things too often. Another flaw! I still randomly think on things that irritated me years ago. Let go, @kaelci! Let go!

Anyway, I posted my Vengeance - Chapter Two last night!! I've written this chapter about fifty-three-hundred times and I absolutely love it right now. I feel that I've nailed it. For me to say that I love it is HUGE; I generally loathe my writing. Someone else may read it and think it's abysmal, but I read it and feel happy.😊 Also! If you're participating in @curie's comment contest, you may want to give it a read and a comment. wink wink, nudge nudge.

I guess this is a good start to what I had intended to be a self-reflecting ulog! 😜 Yesterday @mariannewest wrote a post - this post to be specific - introducing her followers to @thereikiforest's daily Selfies for Self-Reflection.

I think it's a lovely idea, and it made me realise something. When I was younger (15-22; I'm almost 32) I would take selfies all the time... I'm not sure why exactly, but they made me happy. If I was having a "down day", I would go blare some music and dance around the house taking photos of myself. Sounds stupid, but it made me happy, and you could see the happiness in the photos. The first ones I would look grey and blah, but by the time I had taken about 300 of the things, I was smiling, laughing, glowing and happy, and I felt uplifted for the rest of the day.

That's not quite what this is about... but it just reminded me of those times. I rarely take selfies anymore. The only reason I really take a selfie these days is because I have an international partner and it's a quick and easy way to say, "hi!" It's rare to even see a photo of me these days because I'm usually the one behind the camera taking photos of everyone else!

Don't worry, I'm not going to bombard you with my face every single day, but I thought it would be a nice inclusion in my ulogs, which are really only a once-a-week thing. A couple of selfies. Unedited. Unfiltered. Not running to the mirror first. Just me. Doing what I do. Which isn't much, honestly. All of my adventures are experienced in my head.

Just after reading @mariannewest's post yesterday

Last night - Have just posted Chapter Two! Eeee! So excite!
Was so hard to take this one, my thumb wasn't long enough to reach the button! Stumpy fingers!

Well, that's it for now. I have more writing ahead of me today - Chapter Three is a pain in the arse. @steemydave loves it in its current state; he feels it to be one of the "main" chapters, integral to the entire story... which is what I intend and it's lovely to know that it speaks my intent as it's read, but now I feel extra pressure to make it as wonderful as it possibly can be. It's too... fancy-ish how it is at the moment. Too easy on Lyria. That fancy will definitely be removed by next Wednesday!

Umm, today's ramble was a lot longer than I expected, and kudos if you read it all! 😂

Hope you all have a wonderful day today! And if you're in that other hemisphere and your day is nearing its end, I hope it was a good one. Or at least a bearable one.


An ancient curse roams Fan’driel and Lyria is the sole survivor of its deathly wake. Borne of a forbidden bloodline, she attempts to build a new life for herself in the Lord’s city without divulging her secret —a magic that serves as both gift and curse— but unable to predict her own fate she finds herself entangled within Fan’driel’s deeper politics as dark powers shroud the land, her hand destined to shape the future… for better or for worse.
Instead of turning my work into an ebook straight off the bat, I'm serialising it! You can find a new chapter each Wednesday at Kaelci.net and the latest chapter is available here on Steemit!

All photos in this ulog courtesy of meeeee

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