#ulog 15: "Meet The Two Kings Of My Life"


My fellow #uloggers it is my privilege to share with you my ulog story for today.

My wife is in her two weeks school seminar and I will take the full responsibility as a father and a mother to my two kids for a while.

I woke up early each morning, prepare their meals and let them have their shower before I'll proceed to work. Last Saturday, my oldest son told me that he wanted to eat at Jollibee fast food restaurant.


Jollibee is one of the most famous food chain in Philippines. A favorite restaurant for kids and kids at heart like me. They serve affordable foods and desserts in a very affordable price.

So I told my two sons to sleep at noon and as a price when they wake we are going to Jollibee. While they are on the bed the two are imagining that they are already at jollibee. And I can't help but laugh watching them.


My son Mori Kin, 8 years old, loves to eat spicy chicken and ice cream. My other son Math Fabio, 2years old, loves to eat french fries.

To grant their wished as I promised, so I bought everything that they asked. But me I was just sitting beside them waiting for their leftovers (just kidding).

Thank you for reading my #ulogs for today.

proud #uloggers,


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