
I learnt something today’ BEING YOURSELF.
** Anywhere you find yourself try to be honest and faithful.
It is not everyone you know that knows you and vice versa.
Let me summarise what happened to me today.

I woke up very late in the morning, so I was in hurry to get to my working place {where I do some petty job to keep myself busy till school resume}. So me gotten to the place I met three people at the entrance {coming to check if there is vacancy}. So as I was about entering to the building I heard them calling me, i was surprised as I didn’t recognize them. I moved so close to them, they were like, can’t you recognize this face. Without saying a word, they described me from my head to toe{ who I was, how I behaved, my studying habit, and lot more} so I kept my eyes on them just to recall my memory on them. LO and BEHOLD, I still can’t recognize those people.
But thanks to God, I wasn’t that bad.
***##Here is my entry for today's YOU+LOG
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