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ULOG: 16 "Many Bukareksa Investors Choose Short-Term Investment"

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Bukareksa, mutual fund platform made by Bukalapak and Bareksa face problems about the length of time their customers invest.

According to Investment Solution Manager Bukalapak Abdul Hafizh Asri, many Bukareksa investors are taking advantage of short-term mutual funds. Only a matter of months, even weeks, investors redeem their mutual fund savings.

"So the money used for mutual funds as an alternative savings account can be withdrawn and entered into balances at any time," Hafizh told reporters on Monday (10/08/2018).

According to Hafidz, this happened because of the convenience provided by Bukareksa for their target market, namely young people who are still beginners playing investment. At least they can get a return to their personal account within seven working days.

Some of them don't care if their return isn't too big and doesn't look significant.

"Because it's as easy as that, people think yes I've just redeemed, but if in terms of habit, it's wrong," said Hafidz.

This has become one of the challenges of Bukareksa how to educate investors to manage mutual funds. In fact, said Hafidz, investors must have a mindset of how to make mutual funds as investments in the future.

So that the money deposited must be held for a long time.

If investors want to wait longer, the returns they generate are also much greater. Moreover, stock market type mutual funds must at least be held for 5-10 years to be able to see significant results.

"It is our challenge to educate how to think of it as a fund that they can use in the future, can achieve their financial goals in the future," said Hafidz.

Moreover, in terms of targets, Bukareksa targets young people in the age range of 20-30 years. Hafidz said, in this age range it would need to prepare good finances in the future.

"So the right way to achieve their goals is by investing in mutual funds," said Hafidz.

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