#ULOG 5 | I Am Grateful For The Bad Days Too


Today is one of those days that I don’t want to do anything. I simply want to remain in my one room apartment, curl up at my table, have a plate of Semo and Egusi Soup with Chicken and watch movies till my eyes pop. Either that, or I take a long walk through my neighbourhood and beyond, my ears being fed music from my phone, my legs free to roam.

But I have none of that. Instead, I am clacking away at my computer, preparing my first blog post for the day. I am doing this because I need the money. To be honest, if I wasn’t so broke, I would take the entire day off. Well, I can’t. I am here and I need to write something.

Zero Inspiration

I woke up this morning and decided to create three posts. One was for a challenge, the other for the Comedy Open Mic Contest and the last as a guest post for another blog. Right now, I have done none of them.

I am just not in the mood to write anything. In fact, writing these words has a tiring effect on me. I just want to take a break from it all.

I Need The Money

I have a eye condition that’s draining my finds on the regular. Spent almost $30 last week on tests. I’m set to spend more this week or the next. My rent is expired and I need $200 or I’m going to be homeless pretty soon. I owe my sister $100 (which really hurts me because she needs that money badly). At this point, I am doing this simply for the money. I subscribed to some upvoting services. Not posting at least once today will cause me to lose as much as $3. That’s so not pleasant.

Yet Grateful

I think this shows that I am human, that I have my low points, that I have my bad days. I grateful that it isn't any worse than this. Trust me, my eyes have been in worse conditions. And, at a time, I was homeless for almost 3 months too.

I know these are just challenges. Challenges that'll end up making me stronger, better and appreciative of the things I have and relationships I share. This breeds gratitude too

I also hope to recover soon. Hopefully, this depression or mood swing or whatever it is would be gone very soon.

I wish I could say more but I’m tired already. I barely struggled to make sure this post crossed the 300 words benchmark. For someone who writes posts as long as 2500 words, this is lamentable.


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