#ULOG 2: The semester is almost over! (Dealing with numerous schoolwork without a laptop)

Tonight, I'm at a computer shop near the campus gate, because I need a PC and internet connection. I lost my laptop charger just when the semester's last week approaches (Great timing. T.T). I think I left it at our college library when my groupmate and I finished the manuscript for an in-depth study of a hospital dietary department. The library won't be open until Tuesday, so I can't check it right away. I never thought I could leave it at a time like this. (sigh)

Anyway, instead of dwelling on that negative situation, I just took some of my books and went to a computer shop to finish what I can until I get my laptop charger back.

As you can see, a laptop is extremely necessary in college. There are typically a lot of paperwork, presentations, and projects to do, and you'd often find yourself bringing that laptop all the time - whether at the library or in class. Also, physical books in college are often expensive, so I just use e-books for my references. Yes, those are stored in my laptop too, which means that I can't read them I until I get my charger back. (T.T)

As I look at my google calendar widget, I see the following schedules:

May 15 (Tues): HNF 123 case study presentation on community nutrition assessment; HNF 41 3rd lecture exam
May 16 (Wed): HNF 123 critical appraisal submission; HNF 22 infographic presentation; HNF 131 in-depth study of a hospital dietary department defense
May 17 (Thurs): HNF 131 final exam, HNF 41 case study presentation; HNF 22 2nd lab exam
May 18 (Fri): HNF 123 3rd lecture exam; HNF 22 critical appraisal and lab report
May 19 (Sat): HNF 41 2nd lab exam and practical exam

Those course codes do not make sense on their own, so here are the course titles:
HNF 123 - Nutritional Assessment
HNF 41 - Medical Nutrition Therapy I
HNF 131 - Foodservice Systems I
HNF 22 - Nutrition in Human Development

The last week is indeed jampacked. A regular week at our university isn't usually this hectic. Numerous deadlines usually occur at the end of the semester, probably because there have been class suspensions due to professors being on leave when they go abroad for research and other academic responsibilities.

I also have a physical calendar for keeping track of my schedule. As you can see, there are a lot of erasures due to sudden changes in deadlines. My handwriting also gets illegible when writing down things very quickly.


Oh, and after this we still have final exams for three major subjects HNF 41, HNF 22, and HNF 123 (coverage will be the whole course material for the semester) the week after next. Final exams are usually taken when a student's final grade hasn't reached the cutoff for passing the course. In our college, these exams are required to be taken for major subjects, whether your final grade is passing or not.

It's kind of ironic how I still find time to blog about these requirements that I have to submit, but I think it all boils down to time management. I set a deadline for writing this post - about 45 minutes at most. XD I just committed myself to writing one blog post a day; it's a form of discipline as well.

I guess it's not that bad after all. I'll just finish what I can and strive to be on time for my deadlines. I'll visit the library on Tuesday to get back my charger, God willing. Fees for computer rentals can also be expensive.

At the end of the day, I entrust everything to God. Whatever I accomplish in my academics, I offer to Him.

Philippians 4:6-7

6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

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