Celebrating my 25th Years of Existence (ULOG25)


Yesterday called for a celebration. I was really very eager to share this blog entry to everyone but it seemed that fate was not in favor with me. I wanted to write the moment I had a room for myself and my laptop, but was too tired to think or even type spontaneously just like what I usually do. I also had my fingers scratched by a naughty cat. I thought it was friendly, but I guess now that it is not.


Sunny with her favorite pillow.

I woke up earlier than I used to because our Saturday class starts on 7:30 in the morning. I was so hyped but then I slowed down when I realized how my dog Sunny/ San-san ended up beating her left eye from running around the house like a mad dog. She then hit her left eye on something hard, probably on a side of the door. I was so worried at her that is why I pet her for few more minutes. She seemed restless though probably because she was unable to sleep due to her condition, that is why I put her to sleep.

I decided to have a quick shower because I was that of the fact that the water was so cold. The thing that I was scared of at that moment was to end up with hypothermia. Oa ka lang, Johanna! Hahaha! The moment I went around the house to look for my stuff and prepare it for school, I saw Sunny following me. Maybe she knows that this day calls for a celebration as well because it was also her birthday. I could not stop petting her, and kiss her on her fluffy and hairy cheek. I hope next time schools would become animal friendly particularly to domesticated animals.

When the clock struck seven, I was in a hurry. Of course I only have half an hour left and I was still not able to travel downtown. It just sunk unto me then that I needed to be quick during school days or else I would be left behind. While commuting, I could not help to have small naps during traffic. Well, I always feel asleep during travels no matter how long or short it is. It seems like cars have sleeping magic spells on me.

It was already eight in the morning when I arrived in our classroom. I unconsciously gulped the moment I saw our instructor for that subject. I wrongly judged her for being strict because she was the first person who assessed my documents during our enrolment. I felt sorry then for giving that mark. Actually, I learned that she was very nice. It was just that I misinterpreted her words and non-verbal cues when she rejected my plea to accept my documents without the other one since I was enrolled already on the same institution.

Fast forward, we all enjoyed the class and I enjoyed it the most. It seems like I will always be enthusiastic when it comes to learning. I learned much about the introduction of developmental reading. I also learned that most Filipinos are not good readers. It was not our professor though who said those words, but judging from the criteria on what a good reader is, Filipinos fell short. I could say this because for one, Filipinos over social media tend to believe what were shared over social media without checking whether or not the writer is credible. As long as it has been posted, most of the Filipinos tend to believe. I came to a conclusion then that the moment I would start teaching, I should really be careful with my words. I should validate the issue first whether it is a fact, opinion, or a propaganda.

After our first class, we proceeded to our next class which its room is meters away from the first subject. Although, we have recently met with my classmates, we were able to establish rapport with each other. The class’ adviser for that subject is no other less than our department chairperson, Dr. Pimentel. I really do like her a lot although I could not say I like her better than Dr. Taglucop who was our instructor on the first subject for that day. Each of our professors are high caliber and have great personalities. I could not wait to meet Ms. Coming whom we have not met yet due to the fact that all the classes in the university were suspended due to bad weather.

Dr. Pimentel allowed us to share a bit of ourselves to each other, and that was the moment when I appreciated all of my classmates. We were all aspiring to become professional teachers because we somehow thought that we have a calling for it. It was then when the class greeted me a happy birthday after sharing them that day that it was my 25th year existence on this planet. After that, we were then dismissed. We understood that though since it was the first meeting for this subject. Our professor was also called because she needs to attend on some students waiting at the faculty room since it was the last day of adding and dropping of subjects.


Thank you for the sweet treat and novelty pen, Aug!

Oh! Before I forget, I received gifts from Aug. It was so nice of her to give me a novelty item and a bar of chocolate. The chocolate bar helped me get energized for that day.


When lunchbreak came, Aug and I were strolling around Ayala, which by the way is a kilometer away from the school. I got to know more about her while eating tasty shaWARMas (because the shawarmas were hot) and drinking a glass of cold milk teas. We were also killing time because we needed to wait for dinner to be with my family at SM Downtown for my short birthday celebration.

I was so excited but at the same time I felt restless because I started my day so early which was so unusual for me. I was also unable to get enough amount of rest because Kenneth and I argued on a lot of issues few hours before I woke up. God is great that we were able to reconcile though. I would not share details about that though because I think it is so essential for me that it is should only be between him and I.

When it was dinnertime, we walked for few meters since SM Downtown is just behind Ayala Centrio. At the first floor, we had seen the works of this artist whose name I forgot. He had it displayed so Aug and I were able to take photos of those one by one. I think you understood why right?

I was about to take the last photo of the exhibit when my mom called. She asked me where I am and I told her not to worry because I am just downstairs appreciating some art pieces.




In Cagayan de Oro City, Panagatan is one if the restaurants that is able to give you the best dinning experience. They really know how to please their customers with their seafood!

When Aug and I arrived on the meeting place, I was dismayed that only few people came. Two families were still on their way. The moment the food came then, I really did not bother waiting for them because the food were all enticing. It was if it was calling me. Those who were with me ate too. How could you make good food wait for you, right?

Half an hour passed when a number of staff went on our table and sang a happy birthday song to me. One of them handed me a bouquet of sunflowers, and then the other one allowed me to blow a candle on this small cake which says “Happy Birthday Love! - Kenneth”. Of course, I was moved. I had been waiting since 22 because that was our monthsary but I was disappointed then that I was not able to receive any parcel of gift coming from Kenneth. Yun pala, he asked my brother to buy me a cake and a bouquet of flowers. I was surprised, true but at the same time I felt bad because I had been so mean at him on almost everything for the past few months. Despite of my bad behavior, he still loves me. To quote him, “despite of everything that I undergone, I would still and will always be in love with you”.

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Okay, too much of Kenneth, I must really say that day was a blast. I had dinner with some of the people that I cherish. I also received some amount of money. Like seriously, I have no work right now and I could not trust my earnings over steemit because cryptocurrency has been crashing pretty bad for a couple of months already after hitting almost the Php1M mark. I also need to pay for my tuition and my other expenses at school. Also, I needed to buy review materials and then print some online because I was so shocked to find out that the coverage for my major on the Licensure Examination for Teachers is so broad. It has stuff which I do not have any idea about or I just really forgot because I tend not to review my notes on world history, psychology, and sociology.

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On the following day, which is today, although it is not my birthday anymore, our church celebrated. There were actually two celebrators, Nicolle and I. Nicolle has turned 19 or 20 last June 22, while I recently turned 25 years old. The church bought us a huge cake. I really wanted to eat since yesterday, although I had two cakes, I was not able to eat any of the two because I was so sweet. I had and still have an irritated throat. They also gave me a cute embroidered blouse that I could wear at school.

With those things that happened to me, I could not help but be thankful. God has not just been faithful to me on my birthdays, but on the entire twenty-five years of my existence. Life has been very tough on each and everyone of us and He always wanted His presence to be felt with his goodness and mercy.

I know there are a lot of circumstances that I will face in the near future, but I also know that God will always be with me through thick and thin.

@gailbelga or Johanna Gail is a free-spirited freelance artist. She took up Bachelor of Arts in International Studies in one of the Ateneo universities in the Philippines. She is currently a candidate for Masters in Public Administrations. She is also taking up Certificate on Teaching. She volunteers in various non-profit/nongovernmental organization which aims for human rights through political education. She draws and writes about the country to provide awareness and promote the Philippines to foreign tourists.
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