#ulog 9:Mood dull Wednesday

Hey guys..today was worse that yesterday I tell you I woke up today in bad shape think it will just be in a while but it was the whole day
I git to class today and I just slept off seriously I didn't know what is wrong with me


Later when I woke up I got to realize that somewhere in our school campus there where some work going on we have been waiting for this to happen and now it has finally happened


Going for pratical from leactures, I met some student having fun and what cane to my mind what are that doing Soni asked some one what is going on and she said they are having (PHE) physical health education like seriously who dose that in University I don't know it's alse a course in their department and I for got to ask her department


I got to the lab for pratical it really went incredible I mean it tho we where much in the lab but I still grabbed something


My face showed that today wasn't cool at all I was so down


Around 5 in the evening I went to a fellowship in church here my sprit was lit and a little bit happy it seems like I made a good decision going for the fellowship today


Got home tired from today's Bazar boardom and stress. Fingers crossed tomorrow will be a better day

Thanks for your time

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