Ulog2 [14:05:2018] Gratitudeday6: In respect to mothers day.

A wonderful Monday to everyone out there. I knew most of us had a great weekend. Yesterday was a day separated to celebrated mothers. Not everyone have the opportunity of having a mother, not everyone has a mother figure in their life and not everyone still have someone to call on to has a mother.

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To everyone that still have the mother figure I wish to say we are very lucky. Though the father might be the breadwinner but the woman is the home builder. A mother won't consider inconveniences in other to satisfy her children, she will always give the best to makes them feel worthy and happy.

Iya ni wura iyebiye (Mother the precious mirror)
Ti a ko le fi owo ra (That can't be purchase with money)
Iya gba oun wa si inu fun osu mesa (She carried the pregnancy for nine month)
Iya ma ji ni oru ni tori wa (Mother keep vigil to allow us a comfortable night)
Iya mi ni alabaro mi (My mother, my closet confidant)
Iya mi ni ife akoko mi (My mother, my first love)
Tani no fe fi we iya mi (Who will I compare with my mother?)
Abiamo ni tootoo (A truly good mother always)
Wa da agba, wa gbo, wa jeun omo (You shall live long, you shall grow old, you shall reap the fruity of your labour)

My families are left with just the mother to take care of the families, this sometimes happens when the husband his dead physically or even dead while alive or when the husband has no sources of livelihood to take care of the family.

I have be opportune to see a whole of family having the woman as the breadwinner and home builder, this mother goes as far as taking up different odd jobs in other to provide shelter, food and a good environment for their children. Most mother will prefer to remain a widow in other to make a good personality out of their children.

We find mothers taking care of like five to ten children all alone without the help of the husband (either deceased or not around) and they are able to nurture, teach and also educate the children.

My sincere gratitude is going to my parent and most especially my mother. I feel honoured and blessed to have them still around. Parental influence and blessing can never be overlooked in my life.

To every struggling mothers out there and also living within their means to survive and educate their wards, I say thank you and thank you and thank you.

Join @surpassinggoggle on the #ulogs which allows you to express your daily activities and also @tojukaka on the 62days gratitude using #gratitude

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