I was wondering if I should title this article "Sex 101", but that would sound like an introductory lecture to the subject but I'm pretty sure this isn't the first article you've seen on sex but today's article is more expository than introductory,more realistic than religious.Sex today is a global subject,there's hardly anyone who doesn't have idea of what it is irrespective of age or culture. It's now advertised, commercialized and promoted so much that it's origin,purpose and ethics has been greatly misunderstood,especially by the younger generation and it's more saddening that very little of sex is mentioned in church (perhaps for religious purposes).

Sex is a beautiful gift from God to man for the purpose of procreation and recreation but it's meant to be done in the confines of marriage (I'm sure you know this already so I'll skip).

There's a lot of wrong information about sex circulating round and I intend to clear the air with today's post.

I would like to share with you some misconceptions about sex;

1.Sex is not casual

No matter how short,swift and creepy it is done, IT IS NOT CASUAL.Society has lied to us by referring to "Extra marital sex" as casual and this is causing many to take such a serious issue lightly.There's more to than the temporary satisfaction you get,a lot more is involved in the transaction.It is a physical activity with spiritual implications.No matter how readily available that hot babe or correct guy is and no matter how secret or uncommitted that relationship is(even a one night stand) always remember you're striking a serious deal with a grave consequence.Therefore abstinence is the best way out because no condom,contraceptive pill or method can save you from the becoming a casualty of sex.

2. Urges can be controlled.

There's a popular saying that"man body no be firewood".This has misled many into believing that every urge must be expressed.Every normal human has sexual urges.It sometimes comes like fire,at that point there's a surge of hormones and you just feel like grabbing the next available partner.You must understand that the fire can be controlled and contained.I'll share a few tips on how to control your urges and I hope with the help of the holy spirit you'll do better from today.

  1. Identity what turns you on,Then avoid it. More like identify your switch and keep it off.I don't mean to sound carnal but we all have peculiar things that triggers the sexual urge apart from the fact that it is sometimes inherent.It's wise that you stay clear of such things as they could be overwhelming.
  2. Avoid Pornography(This one is a subject for another day). Pornography destroys sexual orientation, it encourages masturbation which is an outright expression of a poorly controlled sexual urge.

I guess this will be it for tonight.I hope you found this helpful.

To be continued.

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