While I was studying last night, I was touched yet again by a song entitled, Broken Vessels. It had sudden impact in me - the music itself, and most especially, the powerful message of the song, which describes my life and of my identity as a person, before and after I have found peace through Christ.

I was lost...

  • I've been so selfish throughout my teenage years until year 2014. I didn't care at all if I'd go home late and if my siblings' school classes would get compromised since I knew they were always there to help and support me in taking care of my eldest daughter when I wasn't around. Moreover, I didn't mind if my sister @evlachsblog would be highly upset of me.
    My reason for coming home late had always been anything related to my hospital duties or my other school activites. But the truth is, either I was hanging out with my friends or I was going out with my boyfriend at that time.

  • My father raised me and my siblings in a Christian home, a prayerful home, where we would have a Bible study whenever my Dad had time or if he had no work, before everyone of us were about to sleep. In spite of growing up in a Christian family, it seemed like it didn't matter to me at all. I jumped from one relationship to another, I would always come home drunk (although never did my siblings knew about it, I handled myself like I was in a normal state), and I also learned how to smoke.

If I'd capture how my life was during those dark moments, it would be nothing but all blurry and pure black & white...nothing had ever seemed colorful. It made even worse when I had a relationship with a "family man", which resulted to a broken relationship with my family.

I was writing this #ULog while taking care of my youngest daughter:


...and I was found

Going back, my life had suddenly flipped over with great series turn of events after a while since I lost my father in 2001. Being with him was the last thing I remember I could picture my life that was colorful. So in 2014, this was the year God had saved me from drowning - from losing hope if I could still be able to live my life with real joy.....and from being lost in the dark.

I'm saved by God's grace - His favor that I didn't deserve.

"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast." - Ephesians 2:8-9

I'm still overwhelmed how quickly God has changed and transformed my life as I wake up each day. The song below that I listened to last night has reminded me again how amazing our God is, so I pray when you hear this song, it will also touch your heart:

Youtube Source

I could not even help myself not to share it with some people on Discord:



  • Everyone of us will be reached out by God. It may be a different way to you or to someone else's, depending on how you grasp it at first hand. It also depends whether you ignore it or not, or if you are blinded by the earthly things and the norms around us..

  • I could not prove anything to anyone, if you really want me to give you pieces of evidence that God does exist, but I will neither debate nor argue with you over this topic. With people I personally know that their lives have been completely changed and transformed, and the people I know (my father included), despite how huge their adversities were, but still their faith in God was intact and indestructible, I can tell God is alive within their heart. However, what Pastor Peter Tan Chi discussed HERE ON THIS VIDEO are some key points that are great to ponder.

  • Christians can never be perfect but once you are living and protected by the Triangle of God's Blessings, your "old sin" can no longer have control or power over you to become a slave again by anything that could hinder you from worshiping God.

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

How about you guys, can you share something about the amazing changes happened in your life after you've received Christ as your Life and Savior? I'd love to hear Christ-inspired stories from you all.

And for those who are uncertain on the love of Jesus for everyone, do you want to experience true freedom and real joy in life? You may want to watch the videos I have shared with you above or try to explore some related videos that may help you understand what does really matter in this world.

I got nominated by @theb0red1 from his/her (am sorry about this one) blog HERE.
For this posts #steembasicincome nomination, I will be nominating the #ulogger @evlachsblog.


Thank you @surpassinggoogle for this ULog concept as I am able to fully express myself about how I feel or how my day went each day. May God bless you more wisdom of "out-of-the-boxness" philosopy in life. :)

The gift of salvation is the most beautiful thing I've ever received in my entire life - the gift of knowing and loving Jesus Christ. - @dynamicshine

Thanks for reading! Steem on!

Join us on Discord (https://discord.gg/FPdn5QZ) if you want to message me directly and of course to meet these awesome and creative people behind #dynamicsteemians, namely:

@dynamicgreentk, @dynamicrypto, @baa.steemit, @symonp, @adam.tran, @thundercurator




Check out interesting posts by @evlachsblog (my sister), @ryl, @dangerousangel, @futuremind, @scarletmedia, @ntowl, @eaglespirit, @pkalra, @honeychum, @bunnychum, @guri-gure, @esttyb, and many more!!!


The video and the photo are mine, unless otherwise noted, such as the YouTube video and the banners credit to @phantum04 and @baa.steemit.

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