ULOG: #13 - Orange is the New Black review

Hey Steemians, it's me again, @dynamicshine! :) How are you all? Hope everything is fine.

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screenshot from my laptop

I know most of you are familiar with this comedy/drama TV show, Orange is the New Black. I don't know why I got really hooked up by this TV series but I was really entertained and I can't imagine I watched the whole 6 seasons in just 15 days! Each season has 13 episodes and I just finished the latest one two days ago.

If you want something refreshing, and at the same time funny to watch, this one is for you! It's not for the faint of heart, though, as it has a lot of violence or crime scenes and any other stuff that may offend you (of course, @dynamicshine, it's a prison drama, it isn't a kids' show! What do you expect?! lol).

I got interested to watch this show probably because I had no idea what life of a prisoner could have in a jail where all people you'd be with are convicted of a crime. Yes, I know it's going to be scary and depressing, but I didn't know the extent of the stories this tv series has shown which happened in real life. There were times I thought to myself if I'd be able to live in their shoes if I were one of the inmates. But certainly, I personally wouldn't want to put myself, in the first place, on a situation where I could lose my whole life's integrity, liberty and freedom. I just happened to appreciate, or rather understand their life and how they deal with their situation on a daily basis ...what it's like to be in a different world, outside your comfort zone - your real world.

This show is based on Piper Kerman's memoir, portrayed by Taylor Schilling, the lead role as Piper Chapman herself who's surrounded by different individuals with compelling personas. While these human beings committed crimes, each character possesses a "soft spot" within them that will make your heart break at times, as you'd feel all they need is love and affection like everybody else, that they don't have in their "normal life", which I believe the reason why they committed such crimes. I know there's no valid reason to do those things however, I wouldn't blame or judge them for who they are because we all have different choices, characters, personalities, and moral values that we intend to keep which reflect our individual characters. We all commit sins, some might be bigger than the others, but the only difference is how we handle and control ourselves when we are put in a delicate situation.

Alex Vause, Nicky and Poussey were one of my favorite characters in here. Although Alex' role may seem tricky at times, I loved how her character has evolved in the story especially on the latest episode. I loved her acting skills and her gorgeous smile. She simply rock! Nicky on the other hand, was hilariously funny and yet has a witty personality which made her role more interesting. With Poussey, I felt heartbroken when her character died. I think she's one of the few here that can be trusted. "TRUST" and "LOYALTY" in the prison is something that one could hardly afford. Even your closest friend may eventually betray you just to save their self when they get into trouble.

For one to be able to thrive in this prison environment, one should have an exceptional, quick-witted intelligence like Freida. But don't dare try to be a snitch! Lol. She, however, outwitted the two queens of the block C and D, Barbie and Carol, who happen to be sisters by blood and later on killed each other because of the rivalry and growth of hate over just a single, simple story they shared with the inmates, which they both claim as their own. It's been found in the end that this story was never theirs, it's from their co-worker's. Funny though, but when you watch their back story, the main reason why they are who they are is because they both hungry for attention from their parents. They thought their parents only love their youngest sister.

What I love about the Orange is the New Black, regardless of each character's background, it shows the diversity and they portrayed each role efficiently and with genuine emotion. It shows different faces of their culture which I personally have just learned after watching those 6 seasons.

To me, love and self-control are one of the most intricate things in the world, in which you could either be a mess eventually when not handled properly, or succeed in life if you've made a right decision. However, some people tend to have found comfort, surprisingly, on the bad stuff they've put themselves into.

Since Orange is the New Black is quite dark, after I've finally finished its 6th season, I gave myself a break from this tv series. So last night, I decided to watch something light, a feel good and romantic film, P.S. I LOVE YOU by Hillary Swank and Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Hehe. I really loved it and I am planning to watch this kind of movies in the meantime before watching the other heavy stuff ones again.

That's all for now, my friends. If you have any movie suggestions that you think I may like, please feel free to comment below.

Thank you!

Much love,


Thank you @surpassinggoogle for this ULog concept as I am able to fully express myself about how I feel or how my day went each day. May God bless you more wisdom of "out-of-the-boxness" philosopy in life. :)


Love is a beautiful thing but has its risk and uncertainty. - @dynamicshine

Thanks for reading! Steem on!

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The photos are mine, unless otherwise noted, such as the banners credit to @phantum04 and @baa.steemit.

This post was made from https://ulogs.org

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