#ULOG-QUOTES - Do you love complaining?


Life is so wonderful that t it has unlimited things to be thankful for. But sometimes, we failed to see it. Because we love to complain and just see the negative side of the situation we are in. We complain in about almost everything and worst, we blame others.

'I hate my life!

'I have all the problem in the world!

'Where is God if He is real and why He is letting me face this?

'I don't have money!

'I hate my job!

These are just some of our complaints in our daily life. Everything that is happening that doesn't go our way we complain. But does complaining helps the situation?

The Law of Attraction

A friend of mine share to me "The Secret" movie by Rhonda Byrne and it did change my life big time!

The law that governs life is attraction. Like attracts like. What you put in your mind, you will have it in your hand. The law of attraction doesn't care if you are thinking positive or negative thus, what you have in your mind is the signal you are sending to the universe. The echo that should come back to you.

So if you want more blessings, think of blessings. Think of what you want. Feel it and believe in it. You can't wish of blessings and feel miserable on the process. Don't confuse the universe of what you want. Make it clear to them.

And this answer the question, do complaining help? Surely not! In fact, you are calling more problems to complain about. It is like a loudspeaker. So next time you complain, think about that.

My Personal Experience

I did lots of complains in my life since I was a child. Why is life so hard and unfair? Why are we poor? Why my parents keep fighting all the time? More on financial things when I was a child. Then I grow old and complain still of my unhappy life, of an abusive relationship. I keep complaining but didn't do anything. And then I made my choice. I stop complaining. I take actions. I change the way I think and that's how I started to change my whole world. I did save myself. God did help me. He always is. He is always there for me.

And so now, I am feeling grateful. I stop complaining. Hey, I'm alive! Isn't it just one thing to be thankful for? I look at every situation with my heart and mind. With positivity and love.

I hope you see your light. You just need to open your eyes.

So remember, think positive, think more blessings and blessings will come to you in a lightning speed!

Love and light my dear friends!♥




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