Ulog#2: A Testimony of Brotherhood

I haven't been around for a few weeks now. Aside from the fact that our internet was down for about two weeks, I have been very busy in helping for the preparation of one of the biggest convention to be held in our city. How big? We were expecting about 5,000 people in attendance. That event took place last week from Friday to Sunday. We fell a little short of the target attendance of 5,000. I am going to share the reason why that happened and how this event became one of the best testimony of what a brotherhood should be.

Months and weeks prior to the convention

Around this time, my team and I were busy looking for places for accommodation for our brothers and sisters coming from distant provinces. About a week before the event, brothers and sisters from my congregation helped out in preparing and cleaning these places. Everything was all set and we were just waiting for the actual date of their arrival.

Thursday (July 19, 2018)

Me and my teammates had to go to the pick up point to meet with our guests. Many of them were a little bit earlier than what we expected. But it was alright since we prepared for their arrival. They came by buses or other different means. We were so busy the whole day and I had taken my lunch at past 3 in the afternoon. We finished all of our tasks that day at around 5 in the afternoon. The delegates from distant places were mostly very appreciative of the decent houses we prepared for them.

Friday (July 20, 2018)

The rain has started. During the whole day of Friday, everything still seemed fine. For most part, it was cloudy, but nothing to be worried about. In the late afternoon, the downpour has started. Some places, mostly where the delegates were staying, started to flood. We were so worried about their condition that afternoon and evening, so I went out to visit them in their accommodations. The water level in some areas started to rose really quickly, reaching up close to the groin area. I had no photo to show the place since it was too risky to bring out the phone to take a photo.

I was happy to see that most of them were still in good condition. Another friend of mine helped me in visiting these places. He bought drinking water since it was really difficult for them to go out and buy drinking water. I could still go back home that evening. However, at the night of Friday, I heard that the water rose quickly. There was no way for me to go out again and look for them.

Satuday (July 21, 2018)

I took this photo while aboard my friend's Hilux that was used to rescue us

I realized that we had to decide quickly and start the evacuation in the morning. I called another brother who has a forward truck and told him to prepare his truck to evacuate the delegates. I was planning to go to the convention site early to coordinate with the evacuation. The problem was, my family and I were stranded in another place as well. We could not proceed to the downtown area of the city since the water was thigh-deep. We decided to go back home, drop off my parents-in-law, and return to the place where we can probably park the car. From there, a friend of mine who was part of our team, decided to pick me up to take part in the evacuation and rescue missions. It was almost 11 in the morning.

My wife and I could get to the convention site, all wet as we attempted to walk the flooded downtown area. If not for our friend, we probably would get to the location at a much later time. The rescue mission started in the afternoon. I could not go with the truck that will rescue our brothers since I had to stay in the site to coordinate between the rescuers and the evacuees. Here are some of the incidents that took place that day:

(Photos take by my rescuer friends)

The rescuers were able to bring in more than a hundred delegates from affected areas. When they reach the convention site while the program was ongoing, they were all wet, cold and hungry. When some of the attendees saw their conditions, they brought out their own food and gave it to the evacuees. No one told them to do it. Their brotherly love moved them to act and do what they could to help their brothers.

We were able to bring almost all of them at past 8 in the evening. Yes, the program has long ended but the rescue missions were still ongoing. After they reached the site and made themselves warm and comfortable enough, our Overseers asked a bus company to bring them to their new location where they were served warm meals. The following morning, they were brought in to the convention site by the same bus company to attend the final day of the convention. These delegates did not have to shoulder the cost of their accommodation and transportation at all. However, many were still moved to donate a small amount for all the generosity and kindness given to them.

My wife and I, on the other hand, decided to stay in a friend's house nearby with some of our visitors, since it was no longer possible to go back home.

Sunday (July 22, 2018)

The water has gotten worse the following day. Fortunately, most of the delegates were in a safer location. The next challenge was their way home. I am very thankful that majority of the brothers were very kind, cooperative and understanding. Most of these delegates went back home at around midnight. Even the Bethel representatives went back home that night.

What did I realize after all these events? First, real friends are born in times of distress (Prov 17:17). Another lesson is that genuine love really do exists in Jehovah's organization. It transcends skin color, gender and nationality.

I will forever remember these events. It has shaped my thinking and perspective so much and I will forever be grateful that I came to know Jehovah and I am part of his earthly organization.

I would like to thank Terry @surpassinggoogle for his generosity that is why I voted for him as a witness. To my steemit family and brothers, thank you all for the support and stay safe wherever you are.

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