Becoming a certified user: My first real Ulog

I was quite surprised the other day when I received a message from the good old Discord bot MEE6. Apparently, that little bot serves a variety of purposes across a wide range of servers.

Being the humble person that I am, I have to believe it was by pure chance that I was being invited to join the TearDrops SMT Discord server. In addition to that, from what I gather, I am also being invited to be a certified user of the platform.

After taking a look at some of the other users that are already certified, I am quite certain there was a mistake. There are some really talented writers and vloggers that have been accepted to the certified user program and though I have been working at this for over a year, I am not sure I belong in that company.

I am going to assume they know what they are doing and post this anyway. As part of the certification process I need to write a post that tells everyone a little bit of something about me. Honestly, there is an order I was supposed to follow for each of these steps. This was supposed to be the fourth of five steps, but I am saving it for last because I was busy working on some other stuff.

I am the Director of Technology at a small rural public school district. I have been doing that for about twenty years and before that I was the Network Administrator at another school district. I met my wife (@mrsbozz) here at work and we have a dog Jovi that we love very much. We also have a handful of nieces and nephews that we love to spoil and some great friends that we wouldn't trade for the world.

I got started on the STEEM blockchain in January of 2018 and I have been working to build my following and my abilities as a writer. I like to cover a lot of different things in my posts including BBQ, music, tech, crypto, travel, dining, or anything else that come to my mind.

Most recently I have started doing some post as part of the Oracle-D group and that has been really helpful in helping me get to dolphin status.

I am really excited about the many aspects of STEEM and everything that it has to over through the various dapps that run on it. I frequently start my day by doing my daily quests in Steem Monsters and finish my day manually curating great content that I find on the platform.

Assuming this wasn't some crazy mistake, I look forward to being part of this great group. I have been following the ulogging group for quite some time now and I have always been a little intimidated to post my own material there. Blogging isn't something that I have the luxury to do every day (because of my job). It is more of a hobby for me, but one that I have come to be very passionate about.

@mrsbozz and I have some really great camping trips planned this summer and I can't wait to share some of them with you! If you are brave enough, feel free to follow along :)


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