A funeral for a bee! (Ulog #3)

Sometimes (often), my older daughter gets some strange ideas in her head. She's pretty creative and will make lots of stuff with her craft things. I enjoy see what she comes up with, especially since I'm not crafty at all and I am always astounded by her (and every kid's) imagination!


My ID bracelet

For instance, when her school class went on an excursion last month, all the kids got a bracelet with contact details in case of disaster. When she got back, she was raving about these bracelets and how cool they were and how they would let any stranger that found them to let the teacher know that they were found! That weekend, she decided that all of our family would need an ID bracelet in case we every got lost.

And so, she made the bracelets (in the photo above) for each of us. It had our address on it, just in case we got lost, then someone would be able to take us back home. Or rob our house...

She also said it was really important for me, as I travel a fair bit. Just in case I wasn't able to find my way back home....


Today, she found a dead bee and decided that she needed to cheer it up. So, she made a little bed for it, and said that she was being really careful not to make it more dead. Fair enough, can't argue with crazy... So, she crafted this cute little bed for her new still friend. Which was quite mordbidly nice...

... and so now, we have this mausoleum in our living room, in memory of this bee.


I'm wondering how long it is going to stay there until it gets forgotten about. Or more likely, when she goes to school, it will handily go missing and never talked about again!


Oh yes, and today was Father's Day in Netherlands! Happy Father's Day to everyone! I'm so happy to have my funny little girls, they are both strange and lovely in their own special and unique ways!

The younger one does a mean dance to some Kinderen voor Kinderen songs!

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