A #ulog a day keeps misery away

Why #ulog? Because it's a therapy for your soul. It allows you to be you; with all the flaws and simplicity. You can write about the ordinary and extraordinary days; the good ones and the bad ones. It gives you an avenue to be authentically you and to be honest of your emotions.

Click me to know more about #ulog.

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I’ll be having a hiatus for a few days or weeks as it’s going to be a busy weekend and a busier week next week so let me go all out today to talk about priorities and time management.

My day is far from over and my weekend has just begun. With the 2018 Philippine National Games (PNG) going on and the games about to start, my time and support will be given to the athletes and my comrades who will be fighting their hearts out in the Karate-do event which will be held at SM Seaside on May 22-24. I also have other responsibilities to take care of so I'll have to carefully plan my schedule.

Training. A couple of hours are to be spared for my training and workout because I need to keep my training on schedule as a preparation for an event.

Commitments and #adulting. I have events to attend and gatherings to be present on, well, because I’d regret not going. lol. I will always make time for the important people in my life and most of my friends who work outside the city and the country are home. This my nth life as I have mentioned in my last #ulog post and I’m not going to waste it by missing out on the people dear to me.

Did I mention responsibilities? #Adulting is real. Let’s skip this. I don’t want to burden you of adult talk cause I know you have your own plate full of it.

Study, work, adventure. This is all on top of my need to study for an exam I’m bound to take next week in a place far from home. There's no testing site here in Cebu so I need to venture out to another region to take the exam and what better excuse to have an adventure than this. I'm traveling solo to Mindanao for a mix of adult responsibilities (which is to take an employment exam) and adventure, which I will be writing about when I get back. I'm excited about the trip but anxious of the exam. I hope you help me pray to pass it. 😊

I had my first payout on steemit yesterday and the money is going to the trip. Thanks @steemit!!!!

Hectic? Busy? Nah. This is life. It’s draining but I’m not complaining.At least I’m alive and kickin'.

In my last #ulog post here , I wrote about getting close to death because of a stove explosion and it’s not a particularly exciting thought to have the stove as the last thing to see before my life ends. Lol. So, after the incident I have decided to step on the gas pedal and here I am with a very full schedule and tight commitments.

After this write-up, I’m heading out for my daily dose of bruise and sweat, and I’ll be on senpai (senior) mode to train my comrades later. Social chit-chats will follow and maybe a few booze after dinner to keep us relaxed cause I know we’ll probably be talking about the upcoming games on PNG this weekend; strategies and all which is going to be exhausting. hahaha. Nonetheless, I'm going to enjoy tonight and the next days to come.

For those of you who wants to watch the games, you could check out this post for the schedule and venue of the different events.

Cebu is co-hosting the 2018 Philippine National Games.
Let us support our athletes in any way we can as they fight and play for passion and glory!

This is it for now. I'll see you when I get back.
Make the most out of your days and be thankful even for the ordinary ones.

~~Someone trying to live to its fullest

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