Hey guys it has been long I posted #ulog well I decided to post today because it our exam time and we have not fully resumed the strike our school went for I just don't know why the school is behaving like that.
Few weeks ago I herd that all polytechnic will be purely polytechnics no school of business and other departments will be in the school top that I haven't even paid my school fees here is the fear of I am owing the school money which is school fees. I don't know the source where I will get money to pay last week Saturday time table came out for exam my heart count not stop beating fast and I began to sweat prefusely.
Today on getting to school to write exam. Here is the thing I don't have the test void talk more of the note so I was so down what will I write this came to my mind at that moment. Later on I saw some of my friends trying to read for the exams to day but I it's like as if their mind was not there it was not only me but all most everybody


Student where reading seriously for the exam. Around 1pm in the afternoon we got to know that we will not write the exam today but tomorrow. I will my heart was at rest. Now I can read a little before coming to the exam hall


On getting a home myself and some of my friends wanted to visit a friend unexpectedly it will be so funny that the didn't expect us to come. I we got there I was the one leading the cause I know the way to their house u getting there I said wait before I could say wait they where outside (busted) plan destroyed so she ran to her house room leaving the water that she left outside she was shy to see us. We got in and we talked and talked also laughing. Where where two of the we cam it see. I excurted one of my friend to go buy things in a school and the other friend was at home cooking with my two other friends waiting for us to come back.
We go to a school and she got to buy all the things she listed in her list. I getting back form school I didn't have money on me so I told her could she help me to buy corn I was so hungry for corn OK we argued with me about the corn that if she should buy the corn that I won't come to her house Ani I that I will go back home. Funny enough I didn't agree cause I wanted to be stubborn so I didn't let her excurt me home. I went to her house and ate food rice and beans I wanted to feed her but she refused so I took her phone until she took the food from my hand but she didn't so I was with her her phone

After eating the food I had to eat the corn and it was too hard but I shared with my friends


We want home and I seriously didn't not remember that I was still with her phone I got home and changed because I was going to my friends place @thankgodikkc when I was about to reach out to his I just remembered that I was with her phone wow this beach serious
7 missed calls am sure the will hate me for life I got back and gave her friend her phone but she herself was not around. Giving her friend the phone I told her that she should tell her that am so sorry I didnt mean to her take her phone home. Getting home very tired and stressed out from the walking for my house to my friends house to my to another of my friend house
It has been stressful all along but but tomorrow will be better


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