New digital work environment at the University of Lille

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The digital work environment of the University of Lille is evolving a lot for the opening of its first academic year. Along with a new design, the students and staff can enjoy several new applications. I will present them briefly here and hint at some developments to come in the following academic year.

The last to have been announced is a nextcloud cloud storage platform. Contrary to its competitors, Dropbox or Google Drive, the files are stored on premises and users can benefit from the high speed network I have presented on my last post. With 10000 users after 2 weeks with only word of mouth communication, we have a great start! We will build on it next year by providing a collaborative office suite on top of nextcloud.

Users can also enjoy other collaborative applications: a Kanban project management tool has been opened to the students (it was only available to staff members before) and a gitlab software forge is coming.

New applications in other domains have been put online recently: get the list of your students with their pictures, check for plagiarism, and get the last update of the catalogue of the libraries of the university.

The big projects of the coming year concern a shared timetable, the merging of the Moodle instances, a local open archive for the publications (currently in test, it will be generalized to all laboratories during the year). We will also unveil the alumni platform of the university on November 29. We will continue to propose new services to build a rich and coherent set of tools.

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