Dear Siberia, Please take your storm back! | Making a brave run to the shop for supplies!

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LOL ok. Let me take you through the last hour or so…

Two cozy digital nomads awake, from being snug as a bug in a rug, to realizing that they were still in the midst of a Siberian tundra.

I think I saw an AT-AT in the distance.

A few things were recognized as they came into full consciousness. First, there were no eggs (the horror, I know), second, they were low on water, and last night when they tried to fill up, the taps were frozen. After a quick check of the hourly weather, the realized that the second wave of this storm was coming in quick, and if they were going to try to venture out to the shop, now was the time.


And so, armed with their snoods around their necks and , the desire for eggs in their hearts, they embarked.


Upon arriving at the shop, it seems that we weren’t the only folks to have the same idea. Vital British supplies were dangerously low, such as mushy peas


…and chocolate. “God I love this country” Dayleeo laughed in the chocolate isle. An older gentleman giggled with her.


Soon they were packed with supplies to last them, should they not be able to leave for another few days. And when they were back and unpacked, they decided it was best to go do all the pot washing, and make an attempt to get water from the fill-up spicket in the event of another deep freeze later in the afternoon.


It may not look like much but the wind is whipping at about 40mph which is creating these really eerie snow dunes in places that are up to our knees! Time to baton down the hatches!

Gotta think ahead and think logistics in weather like this! We’re doing our best to keep devices and backup batteries charged, and @teamhumble had the foresight to get a few butane cans awhile back for a little camp heater in case we lose electric. Ladies, get yourself a man who buys extra butane. <3

Feeling good, stocked up, sorted and organized at the moment. It’s leftover sushi for breakfast for me because the cafe we like to walk to was unsurprisingly shut… I’m sure we’ll make an attempt tomorrow!

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If you missed it yesterday, I spent some time making a pack of CC0 icons for steemians that’s totally free to download and use to your heart’s content… because, I love you. Grab those in this post!

Today I'll be using them to update my footer and possibly my profile header here on Steemit. Because graphics tinkering is pretty much the only thing keeping me from getting back into bed with the playstation controller ;)

Wherever you are, I hope you're warm, safe and hanging in there!
<3 Dayleeo

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