Silent blog from war zone - creative evenings

Hi, guys!

There were fewer air raid warnings yesterday, so we even managed to have dinner outside of the bathroom. There was one particularly strange one last night, it literally lasted three minutes (usually these air raid alerts last for hours, sometimes all day or all night). We never understood what it was.

They say that the Nazis began to withdraw their troops from Kyiv. I am especially worried about this particular direction, both because my home is there, and because my mother is still near Kiev, from where she could not leave. Sometimes we are lucky and manage to contact by phone, but now this happens no more than once every few days. The last time we called each other more than three days ago, and at that time everything was difficult, but overall good. In other words, everyone was alive.

We ourselves still do not know whether we will stay where we are or whether we will move on. This decision is yet to be made. Every day I hope to hear good news, and of course the best of them would be that everything is over and you can go home.

Our apartment is in need of renovation for a long time, there is a lot of things that are not right, and I would never have thought that I would miss her so much, but I really miss her very much. They say that houses and walls heal, and now I understand that this is actually true. I really want to go home, really.

Now it is getting warmer, and I left the house even when there were persistent sub-zero temperatures, and as a result I ended up here with a jacket in which it is already very hot, but without a jacket it is cold. But this is the least of the problems, somehow I will solve it.

Slowly getting back to work. I have already finished about half of the picture, the sketch of which I recently showed you. And today I have two more photos of the process :)



See you in the next post!
Love, Inber

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