Ukhia detained 11 foreigners

Police have released 11 foreign nationals detained in front of Rohingya refugee camp in Ukhia of Cox's Bazar.
OCIA OC Md. Abul Khair said they were released on Friday night after the valid papers were shown.

Police detained them in front of Kutupalong Rohingya refugee camp in the area around 2:30 pm without keeping passports.

Two of them were citizens of the United Kingdom, two Italian, and one each from the Netherlands, Turkey, South Korea, Kenya, Brazil, Belgium and Norway.
RAB patrols suspect them suspect and arrested them. Police said they could not show the passport at that time.

OC Khair said they were involved in the treatment of MSF (Holland) hospital in Kutupalong Rohingya camp.

"After getting the police station, the officials of the company brought their documents along with necessary documents. Later, they pledged to keep their passports with them. "

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