Journal Entry, 20121021: What Was It?

Below you will find a journal entry I wrote way back in 2012. It is the only thing I've seen in the sky that I cannot easily explain away. I have no idea what exactly it was, but you can see videos online of similar recorded objects all over. What do you think it was? Is there a simple explanation?

I have not decided one way or another, but one reason I became a private investigator is to get high quality cameras to do further space observation.

The image was inspired by @m31, Messier 31 (Andromeda), who I was discussing the event with in

I walk to work these days, and this morning had a special event in the sky. The debris from Haley's Comet is coming by, and the show was supposed to originate from above the Orion constellation. Well, I was walking from about 0630 hours, and I watched that area of the sky as I did. At a couple spots with very little light around, I stopped completely to check Google Sky and to learn some of the names of the stars. Well, I was hoping to see a "shooting star" but saw something else instead.

While looking at above Orion where Google had the show marked to see, I saw a faint star like (in brightness but solid like a planet would be, and the light was not flickering at all) moving object. At first I thought it was a meteor and part of the debris as planned. It was traveling in a straight line, and I first saw it around where the debris was supposed to show. However, I kept watching it and began to notice that it's speed was changing, and I mean really changing a lot! It was stuttering through the sky basically, and it would go a while at a steady speed, then slow to roughly 25% speed, then speed up again to full speed, etc. I watched it go through the sky until it almost reached Venus, which as you know is a huge distance in our atmosphere. Here's where it gets weird though.

I fully expected it to fall out of the sky and streak like a meteor, but it never did. Instead, it made a loop! I was looking up NE with Venus to my near right, and I mean I was looking STRAIGHT up into the sky, and the damned thing swung around and did a tiny, from my perspective, loop counter clock wise. It was as if it was turning around to go back the other way. At that distance it would have been impossible to be any human made craft, and there's no way in hell a piece of debris from Haley's Comet could do that either. It's hard to give estimates of the speed or distance traveled, but it took about 2 minutes for it to go from where I first saw it above Orion.

I would have blown it off as a plane or some other man made thing until I saw the loop at the end. The loop was small by the way. It's hard to explain, but the diameter of the counter clock wise turn it made was about the distance between one of the stars on Orion's belt. Once it made that turn, going about 180 degrees to turn around, it simply disappeared. I don't know what it was, but I do know it was not debris and not a human craft.

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