Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (ufo studies) releases a report on the movement analysis of the confirmed UFO encounter

"Such phenomena were studied officially by the United States Air Force in a series of projects: Project Sign (1947), Project Grudge (1949) and Project Blue Book (1952–1969). Other nations, such as Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Denmark, France, New Zealand, Russia (the former Soviet Union), Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Uruguay, and the Vatican have also conducted studies, or are currently studying, UAPs. In December of 2017 it was revealed that the United States government had been studying UAPs through at least one secret program called the Anomalous Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP, and that there have been times at which United States Naval pilots have had to deal with nearly daily encounters with UAVs. These unidentified craft typically exhibit anomalous flight characteristics, such as traveling at extremely high speeds, changing direction or accelerating at extremely high rates, and hovering motionless for long periods of time. Furthermore, these craft appear to violate the laws of physics in that they do not have flight or control surfaces, any visible means of propulsion apparently violating Newton’s Third Law, and can operate in multiple media, such as space (low Earth orbit), air, and water without apparent hindrance, sonic booms, or heat dumps "
UFO Photo
It hasn't been long since the UFO has been confirmed to visit earth by the governments officials and scientific teams from around the world try to work out how the craft works.

A paper titled "Estimating Flight Characteristics of Anomalous Unidentified Aerial Vehicles" reviews the data and applies physics to figure out the properties of the movement of the crafts and it really is shocking.
One of the reviewed cases mentions events from 1950s, in which the craft moved at 1800mph and instantly stopped. Without any air disturbance or friction. The witnesses are high ranking and well trained military and government officials, trust worthy enough to attract mainstream research.

The researchers from University of Albany, led by a Professor of Physics and Informatics Kevin H. Knuth summarize the scientific problem in the abstract. For the lack of a better explanation the operation of the craft are explained as against the currently known laws of physics. And yet they happen...

"Several Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) encountered by military, commercial, and civilian aircraft have been reported to be structured craft that exhibit ‘impossible’ flight characteristics. We consider a handful of well-documented encounters, including the 2004 encounters with the Nimitz Carrier Group off the coast of California, and estimate lower bounds on the accelerations exhibited by the craft during the observed maneuvers. Estimated accelerations range from almost 100g to 1000s of gs with no observed air disturbance, no sonic booms, and no evidence of excessive heat commensurate with even the minimal estimated energies. In accordance with observations, the estimated parameters describing the behavior of these craft are both anomalous and surprising. The extreme estimated flight characteristics reveal that these observations are either fabricated or seriously in error, or that these craft exhibit technology far more advanced than any known craft on Earth. In many cases, the number and quality of witnesses, the variety of roles they played in the encounters, and the equipment used to track and record the craft favor the latter hypothesis that these are indeed technologically advanced craft. The observed flight characteristics of these craft are consistent with the flight characteristics required for interstellar travel, i.e., if these observed accelerations were sustainable in space, then these craft could easily reach relativistic speeds within a matter of minutes to hours and cover interstellar distances in a matter of days to weeks, proper time."
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I can wait for the situation to unfold. I don't like however that we're arming against them. If they wanted to hurt us they would so easily...
We should look into what some ancient prophecies from our own ancestors say about this, what they knew. They were more open minded and many of them took the events seriously (e.g. Hopi Indians).
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